On p-adic mathematical physics

B Dragovich, AY Khrennikov, SV Kozyrev… - P-Adic Numbers …, 2009 - Springer
On p-adic mathematical physics | p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications Skip
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p-Adic mathematical physics: the first 30 years

B Dragovich, AY Khrennikov, SV Kozyrev… - P-Adic numbers …, 2017 - Springer
Abstract p-Adic mathematical physics is a branch of modern mathematical physics based on
the application of p-adic mathematical methods in modeling physical and related …

[图书][B] Prime numbers: a computational perspective

RE Crandall, C Pomerance - 2005 - Springer
In this volume we have endeavored to provide a middle ground-hopefully even a bridge-
between" theory" and" experiment" in the matter of prime numbers. Of course, we speak of …

[图书][B] p-adic Numbers

FQ Gouvêa, FQ Gouvêa - 1997 - Springer
Having built our foundation, we can now apply the general theory to the specific case of the
field ℚ of rational numbers. Extending our scope to include all fields of algebraic numbers …

[图书][B] Non-archimedean analysis

A Khrennikov, A Khrennikov - 1997 - Springer
The present chapter is purely mathematical. The reader, who is more interested in physics
than mathematics can omit this chapter and go directly to Chapter 4, where the formalism of …

[图书][B] Interpretations of probability

A Khrennikov - 2009 - degruyter.com
[23] Ballentine LE, The classical limit of quantum mechanics and its implications for the
foundations of quantum mechanics, in: Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations-2 …

[图书][B] Methods of the theory of generalized functions

VS Vladimirov - 2002 - taylorfrancis.com
This volume presents the general theory of generalized functions, including the Fourier,
Laplace, Mellin, Hilbert, Cauchy-Bochner and Poisson integral transforms and operational …

Generalized ghost-free quadratic curvature gravity

T Biswas, A Conroy, AS Koshelev… - Classical and Quantum …, 2013 - iopscience.iop.org
In this paper we study the most general covariant action of gravity up to terms that are
quadratic in curvature. In particular this includes non-local, infinite derivative theories of …

[图书][B] Contextual approach to quantum formalism

AY Khrennikov - 2009 - books.google.com
The aim of this book is to show that the probabilistic formalisms of classical statistical
mechanics and quantum mechanics can be unified on the basis of a general contextual …

[图书][B] p-Adic valued distributions in mathematical physics

AY Khrennikov - 2013 - books.google.com
Numbers..., natural, rational, real, complex, p-adic.... What do you know about p-adic
numbers? Probably, you have never used any p-adic (nonrational) number before now. I …