Modal and temporal logics for processes

C Stirling - Logics for concurrency: structure versus automata, 2005 - Springer
We examine modal and temporal logics for processes. In section 1 we introduce concurrent
processes as terms of an algebraic language comprising a few basic operators, as …

Bisimulation can't be traced

B Bloom, S Istrail, AR Meyer - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 1995 -
In the concurrent language CCS, two programs are considered the same if they are
bisimilar. Several years and many researchers have demonstrated that the theory of …

The concurrency workbench: A semantics-based tool for the verification of concurrent systems

R Cleaveland, J Parrow, B Steffen - ACM Transactions on Programming …, 1993 -
The Concurrency Workbench is an automated tool for analyzing networks of finite-state
processes expressed in Milner's Calculus of Communicating Systems. Its key feature is its …

Conflict of laws in aircraft securitisation: jurisdictional and material aspects of the 1998 Unidroit Reform Project relating to aircraft equipment.

JA Krupski - 2001 -
Abstract In June 1998, a Steering and Revisions Committee of the International Institute for
the Unification of Private Law (Unidroit) fleshed out the final version of a" Draft Unidroit …

The concurrency workbench

R Cleaveland, J Parrow, B Steffen - … , Grenoble, France June 12–14, 1989 …, 1990 - Springer
Abstract The Concurrency Workbench is an automated tool that caters for the analysis of
networks of finite-state processes expressed in Milner's Calculus of Communicating …

[PDF][PDF] Compiling real-time specifications into extended automata

X Nicollin, J Sifakis, S Yovine - IEEE transactions on Software …, 1992 -
We propose a method for the implementation and analysis of real-time systems, based on
the compilation of speci cations into extended automata. Such a method has been already …

An algebraic verification of a mobile network

F Orava, J Parrow - Formal aspects of computing, 1992 - Springer
In a mobile communication network some nodes change locations, and are therefore
connected to different other nodes at different points in time. We show how some important …

[PDF][PDF] Méthodes et outils pour la vérification symbolique de systèmes temporisés

S Yovine - 1993 -
Ce travail propose une méthode pour l'analyse de systèmes temps-reél. Cette méthode est
basée sur la compilation des spécifications vers des graphes temporisés, à partir desquels il …

Automated analysis of mutual exclusion algorithms using CCS

DJ Walker - Formal Aspects of Computing, 1989 - Springer
A number of mutual exclusion algorithms are studied by representing them as agents in the
Calculus of Communicating Systems and using an automated tool embodying some of the …

[图书][B] Ready simulation, bisimulation, and the semantics of CCS-like languages

B Bloom - 1990 - Citeseer
The questions of program comparison| asking when two programs are equal, or when one is
a suitable substitute for another| are central in the semantics and veri cation of programs. It is …