Hall algebras and quantum symmetric pairs I: foundations

M Lu, W Wang - Proceedings of the London Mathematical …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
A quantum symmetric pair consists of a quantum group U $\mathbf {U} $ and its coideal
subalgebra U ς ı ${\mathbf {U}}^{\imath} _ {\bm {\varsigma}} $ with parameters ς $\bm …

Braid group symmetries on quasi-split quantum groups via Hall algebras

M Lu, W Wang - Selecta Mathematica, 2022 - Springer
We establish automorphisms with closed formulas on quasi-split ı quantum groups of
symmetric Kac-Moody type associated to restricted Weyl groups. The proofs are carried out …

An intrinsic approach to relative braid group symmetries on ı 횤quantum groups

W Wang, W Zhang - Proceedings of the London Mathematical …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
We initiate a general approach to the relative braid group symmetries on (universal) ı 횤
quantum groups, arising from quantum symmetric pairs of arbitrary finite types, and their …

A Drinfeld type presentation of affine ıquantum groups I: Split ADE type

M Lu, W Wang - Advances in Mathematics, 2021 - Elsevier
We establish a Drinfeld type new presentation for the ı quantum groups arising from
quantum symmetric pairs of split affine ADE type, which includes the q-Onsager algebra as …

Braid Group Action and Quasi-Split Affine Quantum Groups II: Higher Rank

M Lu, W Wang, W Zhang - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2024 - Springer
This paper studies quantum symmetric pairs (U~, U~ ı) associated with quasi-split Satake
diagrams of affine type A 2 r-1, D r, E 6 with a nontrivial diagram involution fixing the affine …

𝚤Hall algebra of the projective line and 𝑞-Onsager algebra

M Lu, S Ruan, W Wang - Transactions of the American Mathematical …, 2023 - ams.org
The $\imath $ Hall algebra of the projective line is by definition the twisted semi-derived
Ringel-Hall algebra of the category of $1 $-periodic complexes of coherent sheaves on the …

Hall Algebras and Quantum Symmetric Pairs of Kac–Moody Type II

M Lu, RZ Shang - Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2024 - Springer
We extend the ı Hall algebra realization of ı quantum groups arising from quantum
symmetric pairs, which establishes an injective homomorphism from the universal ı quantum …

Quantum symmetric pairs

W Wang - Proc. Int. Cong. Math, 2022 - ems.press
This is a survey of some recent progress on quantum symmetric pairs and applications. The
topics include quasi-K-matrices,{Schur duality, canonical bases, super Kazhdan–Lusztig …

Serre–Lusztig Relations for Quantum Groups

X Chen, M Lu, W Wang - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2021 - Springer
Let (U, U ı) be a quantum symmetric pair of Kac–Moody type. The ı quantum groups U ı and
the universal ı quantum groups U~ ı can be viewed as a generalization of quantum groups …

Braid group action and quasi-split affine 𝚤quantum groups I

M Lu, W Wang, W Zhang - … Theory of the American Mathematical Society, 2023 - ams.org
This is the first of our papers on quasi-split affine quantum symmetric pairs $\big (\widetilde
{\mathbf U}(\widehat {\mathfrak g}),\widetilde {{\mathbf U}}^\imath\big) $, focusing on the real …