A question of agency: applying Sen's theory of human capability to the concept of secondary school student career 'choice'

N Galliott, LJ Graham - International Journal of Research & Method …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper, we seek to operationalize Amartya Sen's concept of human capability to guide
a scholarly investigation of student career choice capability. We begin by outlining factors …

Gender and professional career plans of high school students in comparative perspective

J Sikora, LJ Saha - Educational Research and Evaluation, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
In this article, we investigate whether adolescent girls are more determined to enter
professional careers compared to boys across countries. To this end, we analyse the data …

[图书][B] Lost Talent? The Occupational Ambitions and Attainments of Young Australians.

J Sikora, LJ Saha - 2011 - ERIC
Given ongoing interest in increasing productivity and participation in the workforce,
understanding when talent is lost is a useful exercise. The term" lost talent" describes the …

Misconceptions of earnings and their consequences for social stratification in vocational aspirations and attainment

J Dräger, A Wicht - Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This paper makes two contributions to the literature on social stratification in vocational
attainment. First, we evaluate whether labour market literacy, as measured by knowledge …

Primary and secondary school students' career aspirations and job automation-related risks

S Sowa, J Smith, A Manches - International Journal for Educational and …, 2024 - Springer
To explore the differential impact of job automation for different groups of primary and
secondary school students, an analysis of variance was conducted using survey data on the …

The moderating effect of context of reception, labour market and education system on the migrant-native gap in university expectations

C Palomo Lario - Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This paper explores the cross-national variation in the gap in university expectations
between native and second-generation immigrant students and whether it is moderated by …

Analisis Kebutuhan Perencanaan Karir Berbasis Aspirasi Karir Mahasiswa: Studi Literatur

TI Pratiwi, US AS, M Supriatna… - Indonesian Journal of …, 2024 - ijec.ejournal.id
Career aspirations motivate students to form a vision of their professional future, provide
direction in selecting relevant education and experiences, and to continue to grow …

OECD ülkelerinde dayanıklı öğrencilerin akademik başarısını etkileyen faktörlerin nonparametrik bayesyen regresyon tahmini

D Topdağ - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Ekonometrik analizlerde klasik yaklaşıma bir alternatif olarak Bayesyen yaklaşımın sıklıkla
kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Bayesyen yaklaşım, klasik yaklaşımdan farklı olarak rastgele …

Understanding the complexities of supporting children's career aspirations and preparedness for the changing world of work

S Sowa - 2024 - era.ed.ac.uk
Aspiring to and preparing for a career is becoming an increasingly complex activity for
children and adolescents. A young person entering the job market is now more likely to …

Uncertain occupational expectations at age 19 and later educational and labour market outcomes

J Greve, M Saaby, A Rosdahl, VT Christensen - Labour, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Many young people lack clear subjective occupational expectations. A concern is how they
will perform later in life. We examine the impact of uncertain expectations at age 19 on …