[HTML][HTML] Essential oils of spontaneous species of the genus Lavandula from Portugal: a brief review

J Vairinhos, MG Miguel - Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, 2020 - degruyter.com
Spontaneous lavender growing in uncultivated fields in Portugal have been used in
traditional medicine for internal and external uses. The essential oils (EOs) of Lavandula …

Networking on conservation and use of medicinal, aromatic and culinary plants genetic resources in Portugal

AM Barata, FA Rocha, VM Lopes, J Morgado… - … Congress on Science …, 2010 - actahort.org
Genetic Resources are crucial to support human wellbeing by contributing to increase the
income of the rural populations, thus, their general welfare, by maintaining the traditional …

Influence of Seed Source and Soil Contamination on Ecophysiological Responses of Lavandula pedunculata in Rehabilitation of Mining Areas

D Arenas-Lago, LC Carvalho, ES Santos, MM Abreu - Plants, 2021 - mdpi.com
Mining activities have turned many areas of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) into extreme
environments with high concentrations of metal (loid) s. These harsh conditions can inhibit …

Conservação e Valorização de Asphodelus Bento-rainhae P. Silva e Lavandula luisieri (Rozeira) Rivas-Martínez da Beira Interior

FMG Delgado - 2010 - search.proquest.com
The two underlying strategies for the development of this work, which was mainly carried out
in the Beira Interior region, were: plant biodiversity protection and the potential sustainable …

Morphological, ecological and genetic variability of Lavandula luisieri (Rozeira) Rivas-Martínez in central eastern Portugal

F Delgado, S Ribeiro, Á Alves, E Bettencourt… - Plant Genetic …, 2010 - cambridge.org
The morphological characterisation and data analysis of germplasm accessions of wild
Portuguese Lavandula luisieri (Rozeira) Rivas-Martínez from the southern Beira Interior …

A influência do Método de Extração na Bioatividade e Perfil Metabólico de Extratos de Rosmaninho

JCS Leocádio - 2018 - search.proquest.com
The Lamiaceae family embraces thousands of species, some of them known to produce
secondary metabolites and by their numerous applications. Lavandula genus belongs to this …

The influence of stratification on seedling emergence and growth of narrow-leaved lavender and its cultivars

A Dobrowolska - International Journal of Plant & Soil …, 2014 - ebooks.manu2sent.com
The research was conducted in the years 2009-2011. The research material included
narrow-leaved lavender Lavandula angustiolia and its three cultivars:'Hidcote Blue …

[PDF][PDF] Caracterização biométrica em sementes de ornamentais

C Rossetti, LVM de Tunes - editorapantanal.com.br
Nossos e-books são de acesso público e gratuito e seu download e compartilhamento são
permitidos, mas solicitamos que sejam dados os devidos créditos à Pantanal Editora e …

[PDF][PDF] Morfometria e Germinação de Sementes de Lavanda (Lavandula angustifolia Miller.)

C Rossetti, TAN de Araújo, DR Sperling… - … em sementes de … - editorapantanal.com.br
Plantas pertencentes à família Lamiaceae apresentam distribuição cosmopolita com
aproximadamente 300 gêneros e 7.500 espécies, sendo 28 gêneros com cerca de 350 …