Waste water treatment apparatus

E Tanaka, T Higashi, T Kitamura, T Matsuda… - US Patent …, 1999 - Google Patents
57 ABSTRACT A waste water treatment apparatus which is compact, and excellent in
durability, has a high treatment performance and can Stably operate for a long time is …

Structural modules with absorbent elements for drainage and irrigation

TR Lowe, A Shuttleworth, PD Culleton… - US Patent …, 2013 - Google Patents
Sep. 3, 2007(GB)-----------------------------------O7170814 wherein the base unit has a top wall
(11) and a bottom wall (12) spaced therefrom by one or more Supporting elements (51) Int …

Microorganism-removing filter medium having high isoelectric material and low melt index binder

SL Cumberland - US Patent 7,303,683, 2007 - Google Patents
A filter medium capable of removing microorganisms from a fluid such as water. The filter
medium includes particles of activated carbon, particles of a substantially insoluble …

Solid-chemical composition for sustained release of organic substrates and complex inorganic phosphates for bioremediation

EC Hince - US Patent 6,620,611, 2003 - Google Patents
A slow-release solid chemical composition for environmental bioremediation is provided.
The composition comprises a source of soluble organic substrates which include sugars …

Enzyme and bacterial combination in a slowly dissolvable matrix for septic tanks, grease traps and waste treatment

JF Tobey Jr, RD Stapleton Jr - US Patent 6,325,934, 2001 - Google Patents
US6325934B1 - Enzyme and bacterial combination in a slowly dissolvable matrix for septic
tanks, grease traps and waste treatment - Google Patents US6325934B1 - Enzyme and …

Microorganism-removing filter medium having high isoelectric material and low melt index binder

SL Cumberland, EB Rinker, C Enriquez - US Patent 6,989,101, 2006 - Google Patents
A filter medium capable of removing microorganisms from a fluid such as water. The filter
medium includes particles of activated carbon, particles of a substantially insoluble …

Lagoon covers providing multi-stage waste treatment

F Svirklys, W McGregor, R Marsh, D Shanklin - US Patent 6,558,548, 2003 - Google Patents
The present invention is waste treatment apparatus and process for diminishing the
emission of malodorous off-gases during waste treatment. The apparatus typically includes …

Antigens embedded in thermoplastic

JA McIntyre - US Patent 6,177,282, 2001 - Google Patents
Immunoassays have been used for decades as a means to assay for the qualitative and
quantitative presence of anti gens or antibodies in a Sample. Among the most common …

Process reactor with layered packed bed

FS Lupton - US Patent 7,582,474, 2009 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Packed reactors are commonly used in the chemical, phar maceutical,
waste treatment, and fermentation industries for a variety of processes. In general, packing …

Apparatus and method for wastewater treatment

DA Potts - US Patent 7,309,434, 2007 - Google Patents
US7309434B2 - Apparatus and method for wastewater treatment - Google Patents
US7309434B2 - Apparatus and method for wastewater treatment - Google Patents Apparatus …