Gauging force by tapping tendons

JA Martin, SCE Brandon, EM Keuler, JR Hermus… - Nature …, 2018 -
Muscles are the actuators that drive human movement. However, despite many decades of
work, we still cannot readily assess the forces that muscles transmit during human …

Achilles and patellar tendinopathy display opposite changes in elastic properties: a shear wave elastography study

BK Coombes, K Tucker, B Vicenzino… - … Journal of Medicine …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
To compare tendon elastic and structural properties of healthy individuals with those with
Achilles or patellar tendinopathy. Sixty‐seven participants (22 Achilles tendinopathy, 17 …

Characterizing musculoskeletal tissue mechanics based on shear wave propagation: a systematic review of current methods and reported measurements

J Blank, M Blomquist, L Arant, S Cone… - Annals of biomedical …, 2022 - Springer
Developing methods for the non-invasive characterization of the mechanics of
musculoskeletal tissues is an ongoing research focus in biomechanics. Often, these …

Changes in morphological and elastic properties of patellar tendon in athletes with unilateral patellar tendinopathy and their relationships with pain and functional …

ZJ Zhang, GY Ng, WC Lee, SN Fu - PloS one, 2014 -
Background Patellar tendinopathy (PT) is one of the most common knee disorders among
athletes. Changes in morphology and elasticity of the painful tendon and how these relate to …

Spatial variations in Achilles tendon shear wave speed

RJ DeWall, LC Slane, KS Lee, DG Thelen - Journal of biomechanics, 2014 - Elsevier
Supersonic shear imaging (SSI) is an ultrasound imaging modality that can provide insight
into tissue mechanics by measuring shear wave propagation speed, a property that …

Quantitative ultrasound mapping of regional variations in shear wave speeds of the aging Achilles tendon

LC Slane, J Martin, R DeWall, D Thelen, K Lee - European radiology, 2017 - Springer
Objectives Evaluate the effects of aging on healthy Achilles tendon and aponeurosis shear
wave speed (SWS), a quantitative metric which reflects tissue elasticity. Methods Shear …

Ultrasound elastography for hand soft tissue assessment

H Giambini, KN An - Hand Clinics, 2022 -
Abnormal tissue mechanical properties usually characterize diseased or injured tissues.
Evaluation of tissue structure and mechanical properties, passive and active tissue, and joint …

Convolutional neural network-based speckle tracking for ultrasound strain elastography: an unsupervised learning approach

S Wen, B Peng, X Wei, J Luo… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2023 -
Accurate and computationally efficient motion estimation is a critical component of real-time
ultrasound strain elastography (USE). With the advent of deep-learning neural network …

In vivo measures of shear wave speed as a predictor of tendon elasticity and strength

JA Martin, AH Biedrzycki, KS Lee, RJ DeWall… - Ultrasound in medicine …, 2015 - Elsevier
The purpose of this study was to assess the potential for ultrasound shear wave
elastography (SWE) to measure tissue elasticity and ultimate stress in both intact and …

Non-invasive methods for modifying tissue to facilitate treatment

M Slivka, K Lee, R Lomeli - US Patent 10,004,610, 2018 - Google Patents
Abstract Systems and methods for facilitating treatment are disclosed that can include the
use of imaging techniques in conjunction with one or more non-invasive techniques for …