How attention gates social interactions
Social interactions are at the core of social life. However, humans selectively choose their
exchange partners and do not engage in all available opportunities for social encounters. In …
exchange partners and do not engage in all available opportunities for social encounters. In …
From gaze cueing to perspective taking: Revisiting the claim that we automatically compute where or what other people are looking at
Two paradigms have shown that people automatically compute what or where another
person is looking at. In the visual perspective-taking paradigm, participants judge how many …
person is looking at. In the visual perspective-taking paradigm, participants judge how many …
Staring reality in the face: A comparison of social attention across laboratory and real world measures suggests little common ground.
DA Hayward, W Voorhies, JL Morris… - Canadian Journal of …, 2017 -
La capacité à porter attention au regard d'une autre personne représenterait l'un des
fondements essentiels du système sociocognitif humain. Ce comportement, que l'on …
fondements essentiels du système sociocognitif humain. Ce comportement, que l'on …
The gaze cueing effect and its enhancement by facial expressions are impacted by task demands: Direct comparison of target localization and discrimination tasks
The gaze cueing effect is characterized by faster attentional orienting to a gazed-at than a
non-gazed-at target. This effect is often enhanced when the gazing face bears an emotional …
non-gazed-at target. This effect is often enhanced when the gazing face bears an emotional …
Emotion unchained: Facial expression modulates gaze cueing under cognitive load
A Pecchinenda, M Petrucci - PLoS One, 2016 -
Direction of eye gaze cues spatial attention, and typically this cueing effect is not modulated
by the expression of a face unless top-down processes are explicitly or implicitly involved …
by the expression of a face unless top-down processes are explicitly or implicitly involved …
Exposing the cuing task: The case of gaze and arrow cues
DA Hayward, J Ristic - Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2015 - Springer
The prevailing theoretical accounts of social cognitive processes propose that attention is
preferentially engaged by social information. However, empirical investigations report …
preferentially engaged by social information. However, empirical investigations report …
Feature and motion-based gaze cuing is linked with reduced social competence
DA Hayward, J Ristic - Scientific Reports, 2017 -
Gaze following is a fundamental ability that plays an important role in human social function.
However, the link between these two processes remains elusive. On the one hand, typically …
However, the link between these two processes remains elusive. On the one hand, typically …
Mental attribution is not sufficient or necessary to trigger attentional orienting to gaze
A Kingstone, G Kachkovski, D Vasilyev, M Kuk… - Cognition, 2019 - Elsevier
Attention can be shifted in the direction that another person is looking, but the role played by
an observer's mental attribution to the looker is controversial. And whether mental attribution …
an observer's mental attribution to the looker is controversial. And whether mental attribution …
Eyes keep watch over you! Competition enhances joint attention in females
The present study investigated if the gaze-cuing effect (ie, the tendency for observers to
respond faster to targets in locations that were cued by others' gaze direction than to not …
respond faster to targets in locations that were cued by others' gaze direction than to not …
Working memory load disrupts gaze-cued orienting of attention
AK Bobak, SRH Langton - Frontiers in Psychology, 2015 -
A large body of work has shown that a perceived gaze shift produces a shift in a viewer's
spatial attention in the direction of the seen gaze. A controversial issue surrounds the extent …
spatial attention in the direction of the seen gaze. A controversial issue surrounds the extent …