[PDF][PDF] Pengaruh Live Modeling Terhadap Perilaku Konsumsi Jajanan Sehat Pada Siswa Di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 003 Sangasanga

A Hendarwati, MB Safrudin - Borneo Studies and Research, 2021 - journals.umkt.ac.id
Pengaruh Live Modeling Terhadap Perilaku Konsumsi Jajanan Sehat Pada Siswa di Sekolah
Dasar Negeri 003 Sangasanga Page 1 Borneo Student Research eISSN:2721-5725, Vol 3, No …

[PDF][PDF] Pengaruh Live Modeling Terhadap Perilaku Konsumsi Sayur Dan Buah Pada Siswa Di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 003 Sangasanga

A Yusni, MB Safrudin - Borneo Studies and Research, 2021 - journals.umkt.ac.id
Pengaruh Live Modeling Terhadap Perilaku Konsumsi Sayur dan Buah Pada Siswa di Sekolah
Dasar Negeri 003 Sangasanga Page 1 Borneo Student Research eISSN:2721-5725, Vol 3 …

Pengolahan dan Penyajian Kudapan Makanan Sehat Bergizi Mochi Ubi Ungu di GKAI Gading Serpong

W Irawati, PI Wuisan, IAW Chrismastianto… - JURNAL Comunità…, 2024 - ejournal.uki.ac.id
Abstract Community Service (PkM) is a means of carrying out the mission of Universitas
Pelita Harapan which is to contribute to the advancement of science and culture based on …

Community service at Sanggar Belajar Cakrawangsa in Kucur Village, Dau Subdistrict, Malang

OZ Sukaton, M Melany… - Abdimas: Jurnal …, 2022 - jurnal.unmer.ac.id
Abstract Kucur Village, located in Dau District, Malang Regency, is a village that has a lot of
potential. However, the economic condition of most of its residents is still far from …

[PDF][PDF] Community service at Sanggar Belajar Cakrawangsa in Kucur Village, Dau Subdistrict, Malang

KD Kucur - 2022 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
ABSTRACT Kucur Village, located in Dau District, Malang Regency, is a village that has a lot
of potential. However, the economic condition of most of its residents is still far from …

Pelatihan Pengelolaan Taman Baca dan Penyuluhan Jajanan Anak yang Sehat dan Aman

D Viviandhari - Kawanad: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada …, 2023 - journal.kawanad.com
This community service activity was carried out in the society-based library blok E, Pasir
Angin village, Cileungsi, Jawa Barat. This activity aimed to increase the knowledge and …