Modeling and simulation techniques in extreme nonlinear optics of gaseous and condensed media

M Kolesik, JV Moloney - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2013 -
Computer simulation techniques for extreme nonlinear optics are reviewed with emphasis
on the high light-intensity regimes in which both bound and freed electronic states contribute …

Microscopic model for the higher-order nonlinearity in optical filaments

A Teleki, EM Wright, M Kolesik - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and …, 2010 - APS
Using an exactly soluble one-dimensional atomic model, we explore the idea that the
recently observed high-order nonlinearity in optical filaments is due to virtual transitions …

Exactly solvable model for nonlinear light-matter interaction in an arbitrary time-dependent field

JM Brown, A Lotti, A Teleki, M Kolesik - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular …, 2011 - APS
Exact analytic expressions are derived for the dipole moment and nonlinear current of a one-
dimensional quantum particle subject to a short-range attractive potential and an arbitrary …

The physical interpretation of point interactions in one-dimensional relativistic quantum mechanics

CA Bonin, JT Lunardi, LA Manzoni - Journal of Physics A …, 2024 -
We investigate point interactions (PIs) in one-dimensional relativistic quantum mechanics
using a distributional approach based on Schwartz's theory of distributions. From the …

Relativistic Stark resonances in a simple exactly soluble model for a diatomic molecule

F Fillion-Gourdeau, E Lorin… - Journal of Physics A …, 2012 -
A simple 1D relativistic model for a diatomic molecule with a double-point interaction
potential is solved exactly in a constant electric field. The Weyl–Titchmarsh–Kodaira method …

Bound states of (1+ 1)-dimensional Dirac equation with kink-like vector potential and delta interaction

M Eshghi, H Mehraban, SM Ikhdair - Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica …, 2015 - Springer
The relativistic problem of spin-1/2 fermions subject to vector hyperbolic (kink-like) potential
(∼ tanh kx) is investigated by using the parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov method. The energy …

Space-time resolved simulation of femtosecond nonlinear light-matter interactions using a holistic quantum atomic model: Application to near-threshold harmonics

M Kolesik, EM Wright, J Andreasen, JM Brown… - Optics express, 2012 -
We introduce a new computational approach for femtosecond pulse propagation in the
transparency region of gases that permits full resolution in three space dimensions plus time …

Exactly solvable light-matter interaction models for studying filamentation dynamics

JM Brown - 2016 -
This dissertation demonstrates the usefulness of exactly solvable quantum models in the
investigation of light-matter interaction phenomena associated with the propagation of …

Low-Energy neutron interaction with a classical electric field

S Bruce, MD Campos, J Diaz-Valdes - Brazilian journal of physics, 2014 - Springer
We explore the feasibility of performing experiments to detect the interaction of low-energy
neutrons with a given classical electric field. Bound states could be identified by means of …