[图书][B] Renewal theory for perturbed random walks and similar processes

A Iksanov - 2016 - Springer
The present book offers a detailed treatment of perturbed random walks, perpetuities, and
random processes with immigration. These objects are of major importance in modern …

Transition densities of subordinators of positive order

T Grzywny, Ł Leżaj, B Trojan - Journal of the Institute of Mathematics …, 2023 - cambridge.org
We prove the existence and asymptotic behaviour of the transition density for a large class of
subordinators whose Laplace exponents satisfy lower scaling condition at infinity …

A functional limit theorem for general shot noise processes

A Iksanov, B Rashytov - Journal of Applied Probability, 2020 - cambridge.org
By a general shot noise process we mean a shot noise process in which the counting
process of shots is arbitrary locally finite. Assuming that the counting process of shots …

[HTML][HTML] A functional limit theorem for random processes with immigration in the case of heavy tails

A Marynych, G Verovkin - Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications, 2017 - vmsta.org
Abstract Let $(X_ {k},\xi _ {k}) _ {k\in\mathbb {N}} $ be a sequence of independent copies of
a pair $(X,\xi) $ where X is a random process with paths in the Skorokhod space $ D [0,\infty) …

[HTML][HTML] Random time-changes and asymptotic results for a class of continuous-time Markov chains on integers with alternating rates

L Beghin, C Macci, B Martinucci - Modern Stochastics: Theory and …, 2020 - vmsta.org
We consider continuous-time Markov chains on integers which allow transitions to adjacent
states only, with alternating rates. This kind of processes are useful in the study of chain …

On the local time of a recurrent random walk on ℤ²

V Bohun, A Marynych - Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 2021 - ams.org
We prove a functional limit theorem for the number of visits by a planar random walk on
$\mathbb {Z}^ 2$ with zero mean and finite second moment to the points of a fixed finite set …

[PDF][PDF] Transition densities of subordinators

T Grzywny, Ł LEŻAJ, B TROJAN - arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.06793, 2018 - researchgate.net
A. Weprove existence and asymptotic behavior of the transition density for a large class of
subordinators whose Laplace exponents satisfy lower scaling condition at infinity …

Функціональна гранична теорема без центрування для загальних процесів дробового ефекту

A Iksanov, B Rashytov - Ukrains' kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, 2021 - umj.imath.kiev.ua
We define a general shot noise process as the convolution of a deterministic cadlag function
and a locally finite counting process concentrated on the nonnegative halfline. In this paper …

Stationary limits of shot noise processes

G Verovkin, A Marynych - Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 2020 - ams.org
The weak convergence of centered shot noise processes to a stationary $\mathcal {L} _2 $-
process is proved under the assumption that the response function is mean square …

[PDF][PDF] Non-symmetric Lévy processes on the real line

Ł Leżaj - bip.pwr.edu.pl
Od momentu charakteryzacji procesów Lévy'ego przez Paula Lévy'ego w latach 30. XX
wieku doczekały się one ogromnej liczby zastosowań w przeróżnych kontekstach. Między …