Why is Quebec separatism off the agenda? Reducing national unity crisis in the neoliberal era

N Changfoot, B Cullen - … of Political Science/Revue canadienne de …, 2011 - cambridge.org
The development of federalism in the context of the neoliberal era in the 2000s has partly
created the conditions for a more stable co-operation between the federal and Quebec …

[图书][B] The Soviet Union-Federation or Empire?

T Raffass - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
The Soviet Union is often characterised as nominally a federation, but really an empire,
liable to break up when individual federal units, which were allegedly really subordinate …

[图书][B] Everyday sacred: Religion in contemporary Quebec

H Kaell - 2017 - books.google.com
Over the last decade there has been ongoing discussion about the place of religion in
Québécois society, particularly following the proposed Charter of Quebec Values in 2013 …

Recasting the state: The Scottish National Party and the Nieuw‐Vlaamse Alliantie

C Brown Swan - Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
In 2014, voters in Scotland and Flanders were faced with a choice which would shape the
constitutional future of their respective nations as well as that of the British and Belgian …

Entre dos Uniones: el camino de Escocia hacia el" IndyRef2"

JA Merino - Revista d'estudis autonòmics i federals, 2022 - dialnet.unirioja.es
Bÿ5FÿQHeGÿ< 5ÿJ565Y8Wÿ56ÿ? 8; D58ÿ85K58MFA: Dÿ?> 8ÿ6Bÿ; FA5? 5FA5FJ; BÿA5ÿq<
J> J; BSÿ q<= 5ÿ85K58MFA: Dÿ=; 5F5ÿJ> D> ÿBF= 5J5A5F= 5ÿ6B< ÿ565JJ;> F5< ÿ5< J> …

Both too much and too little: sources of federal instability in Canada

LM Anderson - American Review of Canadian Studies, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Federalism is often praised for being able to accommodate diversity within the confines of a
single state while preventing secession. Federalism, however, is fraught with tensions and …


S Rafi Sheikh - Asian Affairs, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The 18th Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan in 2010 transferred powers to the
country's provinces and removed articles inserted by the previous military regimes which …

'With or without You:'Quebec, the Conservative Movement, and the Pursuit of Majority Government

K Puddister, JB Kelly, JP Lewis… - … Conservative parties and …, 2017 - books.google.com
The 2006 Canadian election signalled changing winds for the Conservative Party. Not only
was this the first time that the party had been called to form the government within the House …

Sobre las teorías de la nación

JA Merino - Inguruak. Revista Vasca de Sociología y Ciencia …, 2021 - inguruak.eus
El estudio de las teorías de la nación acarrea considerables dificultades por la multitud de
enfoques, tanto en términos conceptuales como explicativos. La inexistencia de una teoría …

El sentido de Cataluña como nación: el nacionalismo catalán tras la STC 31/2010

D Marcos Méndez - … Jurídica: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: 47, I …, 2023 - torrossa.com
La cuestión del nacionalismo catalán ha sido históricamente un tema muy controvertido en
la política española. Aunque relevante y debatido durante décadas, podemos observar …