Mucosa-interfacing electronics

K Nan, VR Feig, B Ying, JG Howarth, Z Kang… - Nature Reviews …, 2022 -
The surface mucosa that lines many of our organs houses myriad biometric signals and,
therefore, has great potential as a sensor–tissue interface for high-fidelity and long-term …

New insights on labor progression: a systematic review

X He, X Zeng, J Troendle, M Ahlberg, EL Tilden… - American journal of …, 2023 - Elsevier
The past 20 years witnessed an invigoration of research on labor progression and a change
of thinking regarding normal labor. New evidence is emerging, and more advanced …

The relationship between uterine activity, oxytocin dosing, labor progress, and mode of birth in nulliparas with obesity: minimal usefulness of Montevideo unit …

KJ Kissler, TL Hernandez… - Biological Research For …, 2023 -
Background Maternal obesity and cesarean birth disproportionately affect Black parturients;
thus, prevention of cesarean birth is a key modifiable factor to improve pregnancy outcomes …

Automated detection of preterm condition using uterine electromyography based topological features

S Vinothini, N Punitha, PA Karthick… - Biocybernetics and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Accurate prediction of preterm birth is a global, public health priority. This necessitates the
need for an efficient technique that aids in early diagnosis. The objective of this study is to …

Shoulder Dystocia: A Comprehensive Literature Review on Diagnosis, Prevention, Complications, Prognosis, and Management

P Tsikouras, S Kotanidou, K Nikolettos… - Journal of Personalized …, 2024 -
The term dystocia refers to labor characterized by a slow progression with delayed rates or
even pauses in the dilation of the cervix or the descent of the fetus. Dystocia describes the …

Characterizing uterine responsiveness to oxytocin augmentation across four labor patterns in maternal obesity

KJ Kissler, NS Carlson, TL Hernandez - Birth, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Background Optimizing care during labor protraction is a key strategy for reducing
cesareans, especially among people with obesity. The pathophysiology of labor dystocia …

Діагностика та патогенетичне обґрунтування корекції дискоординованої пологової діяльності

НЮ Звягіна - 2021 -
Дисертаційна робота присвячена актуальному питанню сучасного акушерства, а саме
покращенню перебігу пологів, стану матері, плода та новонародженого шляхом …

Analgesia de parto no Hospital das ClÃnicas de Ribeirã o Preto: té cnicas utilizadas e efeitos no binô mio materno-fetal e evoluà § ã o do parto

HB Meirelles - 2024 -
A dor, durante o trabalho de parto, é intensa e pode durar muitas horas. Amenizar ou
abolir a dor do trabalho de parto e do parto tem funà § ã o humanitá ria e ajuda a …

Профілактика акушерських і перинатальних ускладнень у жінок із залізодефіцитною анемією на тлі гіпотиреозу

НМ Романенко - Здоровье женщины, 2013 -
Результати проведених досліджень свідчать, що наявність поєднаної патології–
железодефіцитної анемії і гіпотирео зу–є суттєвим чинником ризику розвитку …

ปัจจัย ที่ มี อิทธิพล ต่อ ความ เหนื่อย ล้า ใน ระยะ คลอด ของ ผู้ คลอด ครรภ์ แรก

W Thaua, W Phahuwatanakorn… - … Science Journal of …, 2024 -
Purpose: This predictive research aimed to studying the influence of duration of labor,
administration of oxytocin, anxiety, childbirth self-efficacy, and pain coping behaviors on …