Plant proteome changes under abiotic stress—contribution of proteomics studies to understanding plant stress response

K Kosová, P Vítámvás, IT Prášil, J Renaut - Journal of proteomics, 2011 - Elsevier
Plant acclimation to stress is associated with profound changes in proteome composition.
Since proteins are directly involved in plant stress response, proteomics studies can …

Secondary metabolites responses of plants exposed to ozone: An update

AA Singh, A Ghosh, M Agrawal, SB Agrawal - Environmental Science and …, 2023 - Springer
Tropospheric ozone (O3) is a secondary pollutant that causes oxidative stress in plants due
to the generation of excess reactive oxygen species (ROS). Phenylpropanoid metabolism is …

Forests under climate change and air pollution: gaps in understanding and future directions for research

R Matyssek, G Wieser, C Calfapietra, W De Vries… - Environmental …, 2012 - Elsevier
Forests in Europe face significant changes in climate, which in interaction with air quality
changes, may significantly affect forest productivity, stand composition and carbon …

Water stress mitigates the negative effects of ozone on photosynthesis and biomass in poplar plants

F Gao, V Catalayud, E Paoletti, Y Hoshika… - Environmental Pollution, 2017 - Elsevier
Tropospheric ozone (O 3) pollution frequently overlaps with drought episodes but the
combined effects are not yet understood. We investigated the physiological and biomass …

Proteomics techniques for the development of flood tolerant crops

S Komatsu, S Hiraga, Y Yanagawa - Journal of Proteome …, 2012 - ACS Publications
Proteomics is a useful analytical approach for investigating crop responses to stress. Recent
remarkable advances in proteomic techniques allow for the identification of a wider range of …

Tropospheric ozone and plants: absorption, responses, and consequences

K Cho, S Tiwari, SB Agrawal, NL Torres… - … and Toxicology Volume …, 2011 - Springer
Ozone (O 3) is known to have existed in the atmosphere since ancient times and has played
a critical role in the survival of life on the Earth. In the stratosphere, O 3 plays an extremely …

Proteomics research on forest trees, the most recalcitrant and orphan plant species

N Abril, JM Gion, R Kerner, G Müller-Starck… - Phytochemistry, 2011 - Elsevier
The contribution of proteomics to the knowledge of forest tree (the most recalcitrant and
almost forgotten plant species) biology is being reviewed and discussed, based on the …

Acute metal stress in Populus tremula×P. alba (717‐1B4 genotype): Leaf and cambial proteome changes induced by cadmium2+

TC Durand, K Sergeant, S Planchon, S Carpin… - …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
The comprehension of metal homeostasis in plants requires the identification of molecular
markers linked to stress tolerance. Proteomic changes in leaves and cambial zone of …

Integrative role of plant mitochondria facing oxidative stress: The case of ozone

A Gandin, P Dizengremel, Y Jolivet - Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2021 - Elsevier
Ozone is a secondary air pollutant, which causes oxidative stress in plants by producing
reactive oxygen species (ROS) starting by an external attack of leaf apoplast. ROS have a …

Deciphering the ozone-induced changes in cellular processes: a prerequisite for ozone risk assessment at the tree and forest levels

Y Jolivet, M Bagard, M Cabané, MN Vaultier… - Annals of forest …, 2016 - Springer
Key message Ozone, one of the major atmospheric pollutants, alters tree growth, mainly by
decreasing carbon assimilation and allocation to stems and roots. To date, the mechanisms …