Understanding digital markets: review and assessment

MD Smith, J Bailey, E Brynjolfsson - 2000 - direct.mit.edu
A basement computer room at Buy. com headquarters in Aliso Viejo, California, holds what
some believe to be the heart of the new digital economy. Banks of modems dial out over …

Modeling the customer in electronic commerce

MG Helander, HM Khalid - Applied ergonomics, 2000 - Elsevier
This paper reviews interface design of web pages for e-commerce. Different tasks in e-
commerce are contrasted. A systems model is used to illustrate the information flow between …

The role played by perceived usability, satisfaction and consumer trust on website loyalty

C Flavián, M Guinalíu, R Gurrea - Information & management, 2006 - Elsevier
We performed a study to determine the influence that perceived usability has on the user's
loyalty to websites that they visit. The results of the empirical analysis confirmed that the trust …

Perceived e‐service quality (PeSQ) measurement validation and effects on consumer satisfaction and web site loyalty

E Cristobal, C Flavian, M Guinaliu - Managing service quality: An …, 2007 - emerald.com
Purpose–The objectives of this article are to develop a multiple‐item scale for measuring e‐
service quality and to study the influence of perceived quality on consumer satisfaction …

E-commerce product recommendation agents: Use, characteristics, and impact

B Xiao, I Benbasat - MIS quarterly, 2007 - JSTOR
Recommendation agents (RAs) are software agents that elicit the interests or preferences of
individual consumers for products, either explicitly or implicitly, and make recommendations …

[图书][B] Knowledge-based configuration: From research to business cases

A Felfernig, L Hotz, C Bagley, J Tiihonen - 2014 - books.google.com
Knowledge-based Configuration incorporates knowledge representation formalisms to
capture complex product models and reasoning methods to provide intelligent interactive …

Bundling and Competition on the Internet

Y Bakos, E Brynjolfsson - Marketing science, 2000 - pubsonline.informs.org
The Internet has signi. cantly reduced the marginal cost of producing and distributing digital
information goods. It also coincides with the emergence of new competitive strategies such …

A model of web site browsing behavior estimated on clickstream data

RE Bucklin, C Sismeiro - Journal of marketing research, 2003 - journals.sagepub.com
Using the clickstream data recorded in Web server log files, the authors develop and
estimate a model of the browsing behavior of visitors to a Web site. Two basic aspects of …

Predicting online-purchasing behaviour

D Van den Poel, W Buckinx - European journal of operational research, 2005 - Elsevier
This empirical study investigates the contribution of different types of predictors to the
purchasing behaviour at an online store. We use logit modelling to predict whether or not a …

Preference construction and persistence in digital marketplaces: The role of electronic recommendation agents

G Häubl, KB Murray - Journal of consumer psychology, 2003 - Elsevier
This article examines the role of electronic recommendation agents in connection with
consumers' construction of multiattribute preferences. We propose that such digital agents …