Equilibration of a Tonks-Girardeau gas following a trap release

M Collura, S Sotiriadis, P Calabrese - Physical review letters, 2013 - APS
We study the nonequilibrium dynamics of a Tonks-Girardeau gas released from a parabolic
trap to a circle. We present the exact analytic solution of the many body dynamics and prove …

Strongly interacting trapped one-dimensional quantum gases: Exact solution

A Minguzzi, P Vignolo - AVS Quantum Science, 2022 - pubs.aip.org
Understanding the effect of correlations in interacting many-body systems is one of the main
challenges in quantum mechanics. While the general problem can only be addressed by …

One-particle density matrix and momentum distribution of the out-of-equilibrium one-dimensional Tonks-Girardeau gas: Analytical results at large

S Scopa, P Ruggiero, P Calabrese, J Dubail - Physical Review A, 2023 - APS
In one-dimensional (1D) quantum gases, the momentum distribution (MD) of the atoms is a
standard experimental observable, routinely measured in various experimental setups. The …

Breakdown of Tan's relation in lossy one-dimensional Bose gases

I Bouchoule, J Dubail - Physical Review Letters, 2021 - APS
In quantum gases with contact repulsion, the distribution of momenta of the atoms typically
decays as∼ 1/| p| 4 at large momentum p. Tan's relation connects the amplitude of that 1/| p …

Optimal persistent currents for interacting bosons on a ring with a gauge field

M Cominotti, D Rossini, M Rizzi, F Hekking… - Physical review letters, 2014 - APS
We study persistent currents for interacting one-dimensional bosons on a tight ring trap,
subjected to a rotating barrier potential, which induces an artificial U (1) gauge field. We …

A many-body heat engine at criticality

T Fogarty, T Busch - Quantum Science and Technology, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
We show that a quantum Otto cycle in which the medium, an interacting ultracold gas, is
driven between a superfluid and an insulating phase can outperform similar single particle …

Solution of the BEC to BCS Quench in One Dimension

C Rylands, P Calabrese, B Bertini - Physical Review Letters, 2023 - APS
A gas of interacting fermions confined in a quasi one-dimensional geometry shows a BEC to
BCS crossover upon slowly driving its coupling constant through a confinement-induced …

Quench dynamics of a Tonks–Girardeau gas released from a harmonic trap

M Collura, S Sotiriadis… - Journal of Statistical …, 2013 - iopscience.iop.org
We consider the non-equilibrium dynamics of a gas of impenetrable bosons released from a
harmonic trapping potential to a circle. The many-body dynamics is solved analytically and …

Maxwell relation between entropy and atom-atom pair correlation

RS Watson, C Coleman, KV Kheruntsyan - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
For many-particle systems with short-range interactions, the local (same point) particle-
particle pair correlation function represents a thermodynamic quantity that can be calculated …

From the sinh-Gordon field theory to the one-dimensional Bose gas: exact local correlations and full counting statistics

A Bastianello, L Piroli - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory …, 2018 - iopscience.iop.org
We derive exact formulas for the expectation value of local observables in a one-
dimensional gas of bosons with point-wise repulsive interactions (Lieb–Liniger model) …