[PDF][PDF] “潮涌现象” 与产能过剩的形成机制

林毅夫, 巫和懋[2, 邢亦青[2 - 经济研究, 2010 - nsd.pku.edu.cn
“潮涌现象”与产能过剩的形成机制 Page 1 1 No. C2009011 2009-12 “潮涌现象”与产能过剩的
形成机制 ∗ 林毅夫巫和懋邢亦青 No. C2009011 2009 年12 月25 日 摘要:全球金融风暴之后,产能 …

Profit-maximizing incentive for participatory sensing

T Luo, HP Tan, L Xia - IEEE INFOCOM 2014-IEEE Conference …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We design an incentive mechanism based on all-pay auctions for participatory sensing. The
organizer (principal) aims to attract a high amount of contribution from participating users …

Entry and competition effects in first-price auctions: Theory and evidence from procurement auctions

T Li, X Zheng - The Review of Economic Studies, 2009 - academic.oup.com
Motivated by several interesting features of the highway mowing auction data from the Texas
Department of Transportation (TDoT), we study three competing procurement auction …

Optimal bidding in auctions from a game theory perspective

PL Lorentziadis - European Journal of Operational Research, 2016 - Elsevier
The game theoretic perspective in auction bidding has provided a powerful normative
framework for the analysis of auctions and it has generated an impressive volume of …

Contests with a stochastic number of players

W Lim, A Matros - Games and Economic Behavior, 2009 - Elsevier
We study Tullock's (1980) n-player contest when each player has an independent
probability 0 2 individual equilibrium spending as a function of p is single-peaked and …

Prior-independent optimal auctions

A Allouah, O Besbes - Management Science, 2020 - pubsonline.informs.org
Auctions are widely used in practice. Although auctions are also extensively studied in the
literature, most of the developments rely on the significant common prior assumption. We …

Incentive mechanism design for crowdsourcing: An all-pay auction approach

T Luo, SK Das, HP Tan, L Xia - ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
Crowdsourcing can be modeled as a principal-agent problem in which the principal
(crowdsourcer) desires to solicit a maximal contribution from a group of agents (participants) …

Ambiguous beliefs and mechanism design

AL Bodoh-Creed - Games and Economic Behavior, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper develops a payoff equivalence theorem for mechanisms with ambiguity averse
participants with preferences of the Maxmin Expected Utility (MEU) form (Gilboa and …

The shape of luck and competition in winner‐take‐all tournaments

D Ryvkin, M Drugov - Theoretical Economics, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
In winner‐take‐all tournaments, agents' performance is determined jointly by effort and luck,
and the top performer is rewarded. We study the impact of the “shape of luck”—the details of …

Incomplete information games with ambiguity averse players

E Hanany, P Klibanoff, S Mukerji - American Economic Journal …, 2020 - aeaweb.org
We study incomplete information games with ambiguity averse players. Our focus is on
equilibrium concepts satisfying sequential optimality—each player's strategy is optimal at …