How big data enriches maritime research–a critical review of Automatic Identification System (AIS) data applications
The information-rich vessel movement data provided by the Automatic Identification System
(AIS) has gained much popularity over the past decade, during which the employment of …
(AIS) has gained much popularity over the past decade, during which the employment of …
[HTML][HTML] Ship speed vs power or fuel consumption: Are laws of physics still valid? Regression analysis pitfalls and misguided policy implications
HN Psaraftis, S Lagouvardou - Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 2023 - Elsevier
There have been a number of recent papers in the literature that investigate the relationship
between ship speed and required power, or between ship speed and fuel consumption …
between ship speed and required power, or between ship speed and fuel consumption …
Geography, transportation, and endogenous trade costs
In this paper, we study the role of the transportation sector in world trade. We build a spatial
model that centers on the interaction of the market for (oceanic) transportation services and …
model that centers on the interaction of the market for (oceanic) transportation services and …
[HTML][HTML] Energy efficiency in ship operations-exploring voyage decisions and decision-makers
RT Poulsen, M Viktorelius, H Varvne… - … Research Part D …, 2022 - Elsevier
To mitigate climate change due to international shipping, the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) requires shipowners and ship technical managers to improve the energy …
Organization (IMO) requires shipowners and ship technical managers to improve the energy …
[HTML][HTML] Data-driven financial and operational risk management: Empirical evidence from the global tramp shipping industry
The global shipping industry has long suffered from high volatilities in freight rates and
bunker fuel prices that lead to significant earnings risks. This paper aims to investigate the …
bunker fuel prices that lead to significant earnings risks. This paper aims to investigate the …
[HTML][HTML] Optimal ship speed and the cubic law revisited: Empirical evidence from an oil tanker fleet
We develop a flexible framework for the estimation of the fuel consumption-speed curve for
ships which allows for speed-dependent elasticity with endogenous thresholds. Using a …
ships which allows for speed-dependent elasticity with endogenous thresholds. Using a …
[HTML][HTML] Development of a fuel consumption prediction model based on machine learning using ship in-service data
JMSE | Free Full-Text | Development of a Fuel Consumption Prediction Model Based on
Machine Learning Using Ship In-Service Data Next Article in Journal North Sea Infragravity …
Machine Learning Using Ship In-Service Data Next Article in Journal North Sea Infragravity …
[HTML][HTML] Impacts of a bunker levy on decarbonizing shipping: A tanker case study
The pressure on shipping to reduce its carbon footprint is increasing. Various measures are
being proposed at the International Maritime Organization (IMO), including Market-Based …
being proposed at the International Maritime Organization (IMO), including Market-Based …
Feasibility of the Northern Sea Route: The role of distance, fuel prices, ice breaking fees and ship size for the product tanker market
This paper investigates the feasibility of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) using a speed
optimisation model to minimise the required freight rate, by employing current data from a …
optimisation model to minimise the required freight rate, by employing current data from a …
Energy efficiency with the application of Virtual Arrival policy
The shipping sector's emissions and energy efficiency are attracting increasing international
scrutiny, with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) actively promoting better energy …
scrutiny, with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) actively promoting better energy …