xdeepfm: Combining explicit and implicit feature interactions for recommender systems
Combinatorial features are essential for the success of many commercial models. Manually
crafting these features usually comes with high cost due to the variety, volume and velocity …
crafting these features usually comes with high cost due to the variety, volume and velocity …
Towards automatic face-to-face translation
In light of the recent breakthroughs in automatic machine translation systems, we propose a
novel approach that we term as" Face-to-Face Translation". As today's digital communication …
novel approach that we term as" Face-to-Face Translation". As today's digital communication …
Coevolutionary recommendation model: Mutual learning between ratings and reviews
Collaborative filtering (CF) is a common recommendation approach that relies on user-item
ratings. However, the natural sparsity of user-item rating data can be problematic in many …
ratings. However, the natural sparsity of user-item rating data can be problematic in many …
Arm-net: Adaptive relation modeling network for structured data
Relational databases are the de facto standard for storing and querying structured data, and
extracting insights from structured data requires advanced analytics. Deep neural networks …
extracting insights from structured data requires advanced analytics. Deep neural networks …
Imperceptible adversarial examples by spatial chroma-shift
Deep Neural Networks have been shown to be vulnerable to various kinds of adversarial
perturbations. In addition to widely studied additive noise based perturbations, adversarial …
perturbations. In addition to widely studied additive noise based perturbations, adversarial …
Unsupervised representation learning with attention and sequence to sequence autoencoders to predict sleepiness from speech
Motivated by the attention mechanism of the human visual system and recent developments
in the field of machine translation, we introduce our attention-based and recurrent sequence …
in the field of machine translation, we introduce our attention-based and recurrent sequence …
L2rs: A learning-to-rescore mechanism for hybrid speech recognition
This paper aims to advance the performance of industrial ASR systems by exploring a more
effective method for N-best rescoring, a critical step that greatly affects the final recognition …
effective method for N-best rescoring, a critical step that greatly affects the final recognition …