Theta–gamma coupling in the entorhinal–hippocampal system

LL Colgin - Current opinion in neurobiology, 2015 - Elsevier
Highlights•Theta–gamma coupling supports memory processes in the entorhinal–
hippocampal network.•Theta-modulated slow gamma may promote memory retrieval.•Theta …

[HTML][HTML] The beneficial effects of physical exercise in the brain and related pathophysiological mechanisms in neurodegenerative diseases

Y Liu, T Yan, JMT Chu, Y Chen, S Dunnett, YS Ho… - Laboratory …, 2019 - Elsevier
Growing evidence has shown the beneficial influence of exercise on humans. Apart from
classic cardioprotection, numerous studies have demonstrated that different exercise …

Optogenetic gamma stimulation rescues memory impairments in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model

G Etter, S van der Veldt, F Manseau… - Nature …, 2019 -
Abstract Slow gamma oscillations (30–60 Hz) correlate with retrieval of spatial memory.
Altered slow gamma oscillations have been observed in Alzheimer's disease. Here, we use …

Cross-frequency phase–phase coupling between theta and gamma oscillations in the hippocampus

MA Belluscio, K Mizuseki, R Schmidt… - Journal of …, 2012 - Soc Neuroscience
Neuronal oscillations allow for temporal segmentation of neuronal spikes. Interdependent
oscillators can integrate multiple layers of information. We examined phase–phase coupling …

Parsing hippocampal theta oscillations by nested spectral components during spatial exploration and memory-guided behavior

V Lopes-dos-Santos, GM van de Ven, A Morley… - Neuron, 2018 -
Theta oscillations reflect rhythmic inputs that continuously converge to the hippocampus
during exploratory and memory-guided behavior. The theta-nested operations that organize …

A hippocampal network for spatial coding during immobility and sleep

K Kay, M Sosa, JE Chung, MP Karlsson, MC Larkin… - Nature, 2016 -
How does an animal know where it is when it stops moving? Hippocampal place cells fire at
discrete locations as subjects traverse space, thereby providing an explicit neural code for …

Selective entrainment of gamma subbands by different slow network oscillations

W Zhong, M Ciatipis, T Wolfenstetter… - Proceedings of the …, 2017 - National Acad Sciences
Theta oscillations (4–12 Hz) are thought to provide a common temporal reference for the
exchange of information among distant brain networks. On the other hand, faster gamma …

Spatial sequence coding differs during slow and fast gamma rhythms in the hippocampus

C Zheng, KW Bieri, YT Hsiao, LL Colgin - Neuron, 2016 -
Spatiotemporal trajectories are coded by" theta sequences," ordered series of hippocampal
place cell spikes that reflect the order of behavioral experiences. Theta sequences are …

The medial septum controls hippocampal supra-theta oscillations

B Király, A Domonkos, M Jelitai… - nature …, 2023 -
Hippocampal theta oscillations orchestrate faster beta-to-gamma oscillations facilitating the
segmentation of neural representations during navigation and episodic memory. Supra …

Gamma oscillatory complexity conveys behavioral information in hippocampal networks

V Douchamps, M di Volo, A Torcini, D Battaglia… - Nature …, 2024 -
The hippocampus and entorhinal cortex exhibit rich oscillatory patterns critical for cognitive
functions. In the hippocampal region CA1, specific gamma-frequency oscillations, timed at …