Recent analytical approaches in quality control of traditional Chinese medicines—a review

Y Jiang, B David, P Tu, Y Barbin - Analytica chimica acta, 2010 - Elsevier
Traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) are gaining more and more attention all over the
world, due to their specific theory and long historical clinical practice. But the uncontrollable …

Analysis of volatile compounds by advanced analytical techniques and multivariate chemometrics

G Lubes, M Goodarzi - Chemical reviews, 2017 - ACS Publications
Smelling is one of the five senses, which plays an important role in our everyday lives.
Volatile compounds are, for example, characteristics of food where some of them can be …

icoshift: An effective tool for the alignment of chromatographic data

G Tomasi, F Savorani, SB Engelsen - Journal of Chromatography A, 2011 - Elsevier
The Interval Correlation Optimised Shifting algorithm (icoshift) has recently been introduced
for the alignment of nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. The method is based on an …

LC-MS alignment in theory and practice: a comprehensive algorithmic review

R Smith, D Ventura, JT Prince - Briefings in bioinformatics, 2015 -
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry is widely used for comparative replicate sample
analysis in proteomics, lipidomics and metabolomics. Before statistical comparison …

ChroMATHography: solving chromatographic issues with mathematical models and intuitive graphics

JM Amigo, T Skov, R Bro - Chemical reviews, 2010 - ACS Publications
The evolution of hyphenated chromatographic systems for the detection, quantification,
and/or identification of compounds has become one of the most important developments in …

Chromatographic fingerprinting and related chemometric techniques for quality control of traditional Chinese medicines

Y Liang, P Xie, F Chau - Journal of separation science, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Development of chromatographic fingerprint (CF) and related chemometric
methods and their applications to quality control of traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) …

Warping methods for spectroscopic and chromatographic signal alignment: a tutorial

TG Bloemberg, J Gerretzen, A Lunshof, R Wehrens… - Analytica chimica …, 2013 - Elsevier
Warping methods are an important class of methods that can correct for misalignments in
(ao) chemical measurements. Their use in preprocessing of chromatographic, spectroscopic …

MS1 ion current‐based quantitative proteomics: A promising solution for reliable analysis of large biological cohorts

X Wang, S Shen, SS Rasam, J Qu - Mass spectrometry reviews, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The rapidly‐advancing field of pharmaceutical and clinical research calls for systematic,
molecular‐level characterization of complex biological systems. To this end, quantitative …

Chemometrics applied to quality control and metabolomics for traditional Chinese medicines

S Liu, YZ Liang, H Liu - Journal of chromatography B, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract Traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) bring a great challenge in quality control
and evaluating the efficacy because of their complexity of chemical composition …

Chemometric classification of casework arson samples based on gasoline content

NA Sinkov, PML Sandercock, JJ Harynuk - Forensic Science International, 2014 - Elsevier
Detection and identification of ignitable liquids (ILs) in arson debris is a critical part of arson
investigations. The challenge of this task is due to the complex and unpredictable chemical …