A rapid method for validation and visualization of agile Earth-observation satellites scheduling

M Yin, J Li, X Wang, H Baoyin - Astrodynamics, 2018 - Springer
This paper describes a rapid method for validation and visualization of agile Earth-
observation satellites scheduling. Benefited from the previous work, various algorithms are …

Wayang kulit: Digital puppetry character rigging using Maya MEL language

DA Ghani - 2011 Fourth International Conference on Modeling …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The shadow play theatre is one of the most ancient forms of all traditional theatres in
Malaysia. Wayang Kulit is slowly being forgotten by young generation and also losing its …

A method of shadow puppet figure modeling and animation

X Huang, S Sun, K Zhang, T Xu, J Wu, B Zhu - Frontiers of Information …, 2015 - Springer
To promote the development of the intangible cultural heritage of the world, shadow play,
many studies have focused on shadow puppet modeling and interaction. Most of the …

Puppet modeling for real-time and interactive virtual shadow puppet play

S Piman, AZ Talib - 2012 Second International Conference on …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Traditional shadow puppet play has been a popular local performing art and storytelling
tradition in many regions of South East Asia. Currently, this traditional show is slowly …

[PDF][PDF] 2.5 D human pose estimation for shadow puppet animation

S Liu, G Hua, Y Li - KSII Transactions on Internet and Information …, 2019 - koreascience.kr
Digital shadow puppet has traditionally relied on expensive motion capture equipments and
complex design. In this paper, a low-cost driven technique is presented, that captures …


王圣华, 谭剑 - 系统仿真学报, 2015 - china-simulation.com
保护和保存皮影模型是中国的皮影戏可持续发展的紧迫任务. 之前的中国皮影可视化研究中将皮
影视为2 维图像, 可视化效果差, 对皮影演出场景信息的保存和再现研究不足 …

Study of Chinese Shadow Mapping Classification with the Application of Deep Learning Algorithms

Q Fu, Q Hu - Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Shadow puppetry is a traditional Chinese fascinating theatre act performed by large group of
artists. An artist generally uses sticks, transparent cloth screen, and flat puppets behind an …

An intelligent instructional tool for puppeteering in virtual shadow puppet play

S Piman, AZ Talib - … for Interactive Entertainment: 4th International ICST …, 2012 - Springer
Shadow puppet play has been a popular storytelling tradition for many centuries in many
parts of Asia. In this paper, we present an initial idea and architecture of a software tool that …

A methodological framework to emulate the visual of Malaysian shadow play with computer-generated imagery

KK Khor - … , Optimization and Its Applications: Modelling and …, 2018 - Springer
Wayang kulit Kelantan, a preeminent shadow play in Malaysia is currently threatened with
imminent extinction. At the moment of this writing, the existing efforts made to preserve this …

Virtual shadow puppet play with intelligent instructional tool and interactive real-time animation

S Piman, AZ Talib, MA Osman - International Journal of …, 2015 - inderscienceonline.com
Shadow puppet play is one of the popular storytelling traditions in many parts of Asia.
However, the tradition is becoming less and less popular nowadays due to the proliferation …