Urbanisation impacts on storm runoff along a rural-urban gradient

JD Miller, T Hess - Journal of Hydrology, 2017 - Elsevier
Urbanisation alters the hydrological response of catchments to storm events and spatial
measures of urban extent and imperviousness are routinely used in hydrological modelling …

Sensitivity of streamflow simulation in the Delaware River Basin to forecasted land‐cover change for 2030 and 2060

TN Williamson, P Claggett - Hydrological Processes, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
In order to simulate the potential effect of forecasted land‐cover change on streamflow and
water availability, there has to be confidence that the hydrologic model used is sensitive to …

[PDF][PDF] Exploring data mining for hydrological modelling

C Vitolo - 2015 - core.ac.uk
Technological advances in computer science, namely cloud computing and data mining, are
reshaping the way the world looks at data. Data are becoming the drivers of discoveries and …

[PDF][PDF] ... Wilby, R.(2017). A restatement of the natural science evidence concerning catchment-based" natural” flood management in the United Kingdom. Proceedings …

S Dadson, JW Hall, A Murgatroyd, M Acreman, P Bates… - core.ac.uk
Flooding is a very costly natural hazard in Great Britain and is expected to increase further
under future climate change scenarios. Flood defences are commonly deployed to protect …

Natural flood risk management

A Murgatroyd, S Dadson - 2019 - ora.ox.ac.uk
Flooding is a natural hazard with the potential to cause damage at the local, national, and
global scale. Flooding is a natural product of heavy precipitation and increased runoff. It may …

[PDF][PDF] Towards improved rainfall-runo modelling in changing climatic conditions

KJA Fowler - 2017 - researchgate.net
Rainfall-runo models are useful tools in water resource planning under climate change.
They are commonly used to quantify the impact of changes in climatic variables, such as …

[HTML][HTML] Challenges in field approximations of regional scale hydrology

SS Wanniarachchi, NTS Wijesekera - Journal of Hydrology: Regional …, 2020 - Elsevier
Study region Considering the availability of gauged data, the Karasnagala watershed of
Attanagalu Oya located in the Gampaha district in the Western province of Sri Lanka was …

Hortonian runoff closure relations for geomorphologic response units: evaluation against field data

E Vannametee, D Karssenberg… - Hydrology and Earth …, 2013 - hess.copernicus.org
This paper presents an evaluation of the closure relation for Hortonian runoff, proposed in
Vannametee et al.(2012), that incorporates a scaling component to explicitly account for the …

[图书][B] End-to-end ensemble modelling for water resources planning under uncertainty

CJA Counsell - 2018 - search.proquest.com
A hydrological model ensemble, considering two model structures (CatchMOD and PDM),
parameter uncertainty and two contrasting methods for estimating potential …

[PDF][PDF] en español: Regionalización de indicadores hidrológicos para evaluar impactos del cambio de uso de la

BF Ochoa-Tocachi - TC, 2010 - researchgate.net
Regionalización de indicadores hidrológicos para evaluar impactos de los cambios de uso
de la tierra en los Andes Tropicales Los ecosistemas andinos son fuentes principales de …