Monetary transmission mechanism in Central and Eastern Europe: Surveying the surveyable

B Egert, R MacDonald - Journal of Economic Surveys, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
This paper surveys recent advances in empirical studies of the monetary transmission
mechanism, with special attention to Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Our results indicate …

Monetary transmission mechanism in Central and Eastern Europe: Gliding on a wind of change

F Coricelli, B Égert, R MacDonald - 2006 -
This paper surveys recent advances in empirical studies of the monetary transmission
mechanism (MTM), with special attention to Central and Eastern Europe. In particular, while …

Sectoral energy consumption by source and economic growth in Turkey

T Jobert, F Karanfil - Energy policy, 2007 - Elsevier
This paper provides a detailed analysis of the energy consumption in Turkey during the last
40 years. It investigates the causal relationships between income and energy consumption …

Exchange rate pass-through in central and eastern European EU Member States

J Beirne, M Bijsterbosch - Journal of Policy Modeling, 2011 - Elsevier
This paper provides estimates of exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) to consumer prices for
nine central and eastern European Member States. Using a five-variate cointegrated VAR …

[图书][B] Turkish experience with implicit inflation targeting

AH Kara - 2006 -
This paper describes the challenges faced during the implementation of implicit inflation
targeting in Turkey and evaluates the transition process to full-fledged inflation targeting …

[PDF][PDF] Exchange rate pass-through in emerging market economies: what has changed and why?

D Mihaljek, M Klau - BIS papers, 2008 -
Inflation has been fairly stable in many industrial and emerging market economies over the
past few years despite wide swings in exchange rates. This development has drawn …

The deterioration in credibility, destabilization of exchange rate and the rise in exchange rate pass-through in Turkey

S Gayaker, E Ağaslan, B Alkan, S Çiçek - International Review of …, 2021 - Elsevier
The early literature on inflation targeting (IT) regime argues that adopting an IT regime in
itself reduces the exchange rate pass-through (ERPT). The basic logic behind this argument …

[PDF][PDF] Enflasyon dinamiklerindeki değişim: Döviz kuru geçişkenliği güçleniyor mu?

H Kara, Ç Sarıkaya - 2021 -
Özet Türkiye'de 2006 yılında enflasyon hedeflemesine geçildiği dönemden itibaren 2017
yılına kadar enflasyon tek hanelerde istikrarlı seyretmiş, 2017 yılından itibaren ise çift haneli …

Türkiye Ekonomisinde Döviz Kuru Geçiş Etkisi: ARDL-Sinir Testi Yaklaşimi Bulgulari

G Özdamar - Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 2015 -
Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Türkiye ekonomisinde döviz kurunun yurt içi fiyatlar üzerindeki
etkisinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmada Türkiye'de yurt içi üretici fiyatları ile çeşitli makro …

Implicit asymmetric exchange rate peg under inflation targeting regimes: the case of Turkey

A Benlialper, H Cömert - Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2016 -
Especially after the 2000s, many developing countries let exchange rates float and began
implementing inflation targeting (IT) regimes based on mainly manipulation of expectations …