Seasoned equity offerings: A survey

BE Eckbo, RW Masulis - … in operations research and management science, 1995 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter reviews the theory and statistical evidence concerning the
causes and effects of seasoned public offers (SPOs) of common stock, with particular …

Nonparametric event study tests

AR Cowan - Review of Quantitative Finance and accounting, 1992 - Springer
This paper provides the first documentation of the power and specification of the generalized
sign test, which is based on the percentage of positive abnormal returns in an estimation …

Event study testing with cross-sectional correlation of abnormal returns

JW Kolari, S Pynnönen - The Review of financial studies, 2010 -
This article examines the issue of cross-sectional correlation in event studies. When there is
event-date clustering, we find that even relatively low cross-correlation among abnormal …

Parametric and nonparametric event study tests: A review

A Dutta - 2014 -
This paper presents a modest attempt to review the existing methodologies for measuring
short-run abnormal performance of firms following certain corporate events. In doing so, the …

Shredded reputation: The cost of audit failure

PK Chaney, KL Philipich - Journal of accounting research, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
In this article we investigate the impact of the Enron audit failure on auditor reputation.
Specifically, we examine Arthur Andersen's clients' stock market impact surrounding various …

Do internet stock message boards influence trading? Evidence from heavily discussed stocks with no fundamental news

S Sabherwal, SK Sarkar… - Journal of Business …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
This study extends the literature on the information content of stock message boards. To
better understand the effect of online postings on trading activities and reduce the error due …

Dividend policy and corporate performance

A Akhigbe, J Madura - Journal of Business Finance & …, 1996 - Wiley Online Library
Substantial research has been conducted to determine the signal that results from dividend
initiations and omissions. Our study extends from previous research by measuring the long …

Financial firm bankruptcy and contagion

J Helwege, G Zhang - Review of Finance, 2016 -
The Lehman bankruptcy highlights the potential for interconnectedness to cause negative
externalities through counterparty contagion, but the externalities may also arise from …

The impact of changes in the FTSE 100 index

B Mase - Financial Review, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
This paper investigates FTSE 100 index membership changes, which are determined
quarterly by market capitalization and should have no information content. Return reversal …

Hypothesis testing in event studies: The case of variance changes

C Giaccotto, JM Sfiridis - Journal of Economics and Business, 1996 - Elsevier
Event study methods to test the effects of financial events on asset returns implicitly assume
a stationary variance. Arbitrage theory [Ross (1989)], however, suggests that the variance of …