[图书][B] Assessing the portfolio principles for practice, theory and research

L Hamp-Lyons, W Con - 2000 - uobrep.openrepository.com
This volume deals comprehensively and systematically with the subject of portfolio-based
writing assessment. This single source fully explores the theory behind using portfolios in a …

[图书][B] Reframing writing assessment to improve teaching and learning

P O'Neill, L Adler-Kassner - 2010 - muse.jhu.edu
Project MUSE - Reframing Writing Assessment to Improve Teaching and Learning [Skip to
Content] institution icon Institutional Login account icon LOG IN accessibility icon Accessibility …

[PDF][PDF] Learning to ride the waves: Making decisions about placement testing

S Harrington - WPA: Writing Program Administration, 2005 - academia.edu
Writing assessment is, as any reader of these pages knows, a complicated and contextual
process that involves assumptions about teachers, students, curricula, and literacy. As …

Moving beyond holistic scoring through validity inquiry

P O'Neill - Journal of Writing Assessment, 2003 - escholarship.org
This article re-examines the research into placement that William L. Smith did at the
University of Pittsburgh during the 1980s and 1990s by situating Smith's work within the …

Corporate advisory boards, portfolio assessment, and business and technical writing program development

WT Dillon - Business Communication Quarterly, 1997 - journals.sagepub.com
This article advocates student learning portfolios as an effective assessment technique and
explains how instructors and administrators can devise a process that involves community …

[图书][B] Writing assessment and the disciplinarity of composition

PA O'Neill - 1998 - search.proquest.com
This dissertation argues that writing assessment technologies are central to the disciplinarity
of Composition Studies. The introduction of composition into the postsecondary curriculum …

Rédactologie et LANSAD: une didactique de l'écrit ciblée sur les besoins contextuels de l'apprenant L2

D Dressen-Hammouda - Etudes en didactique des …, 2016 - ut3-toulouseinp.hal.science
Cet article décrit les apports théoriques de la rédactologie en langue seconde (L2), une
approche qui permet d'analyser les types et les spécificités de l'écrit à l'oeuvre dans des …

L'écriture universitaire: une activité sociale et pédagogique qui participe à la construction du réel disciplinaire

D Dressen-Hammouda - Journée d'étude,«Le réel dans les …, 2018 - uca.hal.science
Aujourd'hui, les étudiants de licence et master dans l'ensemble des filières universitaires
doivent se spécialiser dans les écrits de leurs disciplines. Qu'ils soient amenés à travailler …

[引用][C] Adding portfolios to the placement process: A longitudinal perspective

V Hester, P O'Neill, M Neal… - Blurring boundaries …, 2007 - Hampton Press Creskill, NJ

[引用][C] The Allyn and Bacon guide to writing portfolios

G Claywell - 2001 - Addison-Wesley Longman