Polymineralic inclusions in megacrysts as proxies for kimberlite melt evolution—a review
Y Bussweiler - Minerals, 2019 - mdpi.com
Polymineralic inclusions in megacrysts have been reported to occur in kimberlites
worldwide. The inclusions are likely the products of early kimberlite melt (s) which invaded …
worldwide. The inclusions are likely the products of early kimberlite melt (s) which invaded …
Olivine in kimberlites: magma evolution from deep mantle to eruption
A Abersteiner, VS Kamenetsky, K Goemann… - Journal of …, 2022 - academic.oup.com
Elucidating the origin, composition and physical properties of primary kimberlite melts is
crucial to our understanding of their source, petrogenesis, ascent mechanisms and …
crucial to our understanding of their source, petrogenesis, ascent mechanisms and …
Origin of complex zoning in olivine from diverse, diamondiferous kimberlites and tectonic settings: Ekati (Canada), Alto Paranaiba (Brazil) and Kaalvallei (South Africa)
E Lim, A Giuliani, D Phillips, K Goemann - Mineralogy and Petrology, 2018 - Springer
Olivine in kimberlites can provide unique insights into magma petrogenesis, because it is
the most abundant xenocrystic phase and a stable magmatic product over most of the liquid …
the most abundant xenocrystic phase and a stable magmatic product over most of the liquid …
Cr-rich megacrysts of clinopyroxene and garnet from Lac de Gras kimberlites, Slave Craton, Canada–implications for the origin of clinopyroxene and garnet in cratonic …
Kimberlites from the Diavik and Ekati diamond mines in the Lac de Gras kimberlite field
contain abundant large (> 1 cm) clinopyroxene (Cr-diopside) and garnet (Cr-pyrope) …
contain abundant large (> 1 cm) clinopyroxene (Cr-diopside) and garnet (Cr-pyrope) …
[HTML][HTML] Isotopic analyses of clinopyroxenes demonstrate the effects of kimberlite melt metasomatism upon the lithospheric mantle
The trace element and radiogenic isotope systematics of clinopyroxene have frequently
been used to characterise mantle metasomatic processes, because it is the main host of …
been used to characterise mantle metasomatic processes, because it is the main host of …
Kimberlite-related metasomatism recorded in MARID and PIC mantle xenoliths
Abstract MARID (Mica-Amphibole-Rutile-Ilmenite-Diopside) and PIC (Phlogopite-Ilmenite-
Clinopyroxene) xenoliths are thought to be formed by intense “primary” mantle …
Clinopyroxene) xenoliths are thought to be formed by intense “primary” mantle …
[HTML][HTML] Phlogopite in mantle xenoliths and kimberlite from the Grib pipe, Arkhangelsk province, Russia: Evidence for multi-stage mantle metasomatism and origin of …
We present petrography and mineral chemistry for both phlogopite, from mantle-derived
xenoliths (garnet peridotite, eclogite and clinopyroxene–phlogopite rocks) and for …
xenoliths (garnet peridotite, eclogite and clinopyroxene–phlogopite rocks) and for …
Two-stage origin of K-enrichment in ultrapotassic magmatism simulated by melting of experimentally metasomatized mantle
MW Förster, S Buhre, B Xu, D Prelević, R Mertz-Kraus… - Minerals, 2019 - mdpi.com
The generation of strongly potassic melts in the mantle requires the presence of phlogopite
in the melting assemblage, while isotopic and trace element analyses of ultrapotassic rocks …
in the melting assemblage, while isotopic and trace element analyses of ultrapotassic rocks …
The P3 kimberlite and P4 lamproite, Wajrakarur kimberlite field, India: mineralogy, and major and minor element compositions of olivines as records of their …
Distinctly different groundmass mineralogy characterise the hypabyssal facies,
Mesoproterozoic diamondiferous P3 and P4 intrusions from the Wajrakarur Kimberlite Field …
Mesoproterozoic diamondiferous P3 and P4 intrusions from the Wajrakarur Kimberlite Field …
Cr-poor and Cr-rich clinopyroxene and garnet megacrysts from southern African group 1 and group 2 kimberlites: clues to megacryst origins and their relationship to …
BJ Nkere, PE Janney, C Tinguely - Lithos, 2021 - Elsevier
Controversies surround the origin of kimberlite megacrysts, including whether and how they
are genetically related to their host kimberlites, the relationship between the Cr-poor and Cr …
are genetically related to their host kimberlites, the relationship between the Cr-poor and Cr …