Breaking the heavy-tailed noise barrier in stochastic optimization problems
We consider stochastic optimization problems with heavy-tailed noise with structured
density. For such problems, we show that it is possible to get faster rates of convergence …
density. For such problems, we show that it is possible to get faster rates of convergence …
Outlier-robust sparse mean estimation for heavy-tailed distributions
We study the fundamental task of outlier-robust mean estimation for heavy-tailed
distributions in the presence of sparsity. Specifically, given a small number of corrupted …
distributions in the presence of sparsity. Specifically, given a small number of corrupted …
Convergence rates of stochastic gradient descent under infinite noise variance
Recent studies have provided both empirical and theoretical evidence illustrating that heavy
tails can emerge in stochastic gradient descent (SGD) in various scenarios. Such heavy tails …
tails can emerge in stochastic gradient descent (SGD) in various scenarios. Such heavy tails …
Accelerated zeroth-order method for non-smooth stochastic convex optimization problem with infinite variance
In this paper, we consider non-smooth stochastic convex optimization with two function
evaluations per round under infinite noise variance. In the classical setting when noise has …
evaluations per round under infinite noise variance. In the classical setting when noise has …
Nearly-linear time and streaming algorithms for outlier-robust pca
We study principal component analysis (PCA), where given a dataset in $\mathbb R^ d $
from a distribution, the task is to find a unit vector $ v $ that approximately maximizes the …
from a distribution, the task is to find a unit vector $ v $ that approximately maximizes the …
Near-optimal algorithms for gaussians with huber contamination: Mean estimation and linear regression
We study the fundamental problems of Gaussian mean estimation and linear regression with
Gaussian covariates in the presence of Huber contamination. Our main contribution is the …
Gaussian covariates in the presence of Huber contamination. Our main contribution is the …
Finite-sample efficient conformal prediction
Y Yang, AK Kuchibhotla - arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.13871, 2021 -
Conformal prediction is a generic methodology for finite-sample valid distribution-free
prediction. This technique has garnered a lot of attention in the literature partly because it …
prediction. This technique has garnered a lot of attention in the literature partly because it …
Tight Bounds for Local Glivenko-Cantelli
M Blanchard, V Voracek - International Conference on …, 2024 -
This paper addresses the statistical problem of estimating the infinite-norm deviation from
the empirical mean to the distribution mean for high-dimensional distributions on $\{0, 1\}^ d …
the empirical mean to the distribution mean for high-dimensional distributions on $\{0, 1\}^ d …
[PDF][PDF] Open problem: log (n) factor in
D Cohen, A Kontorovich - The Thirty Sixth Annual …, 2023 -
Open problem: log n factor in “Local Glivenko-Cantelli” Page 1 Proceedings of Machine
Learning Research vol 195:1–3, 2023 36th Annual Conference on Learning Theory Open …
Learning Research vol 195:1–3, 2023 36th Annual Conference on Learning Theory Open …
Robust mean change point testing in high-dimensional data with heavy tails
We study a mean change point testing problem for high-dimensional data, with
exponentially-or polynomially-decaying tails. In each case, depending on the $\ell_0 $-norm …
exponentially-or polynomially-decaying tails. In each case, depending on the $\ell_0 $-norm …