Extremely randomized trees with privacy preservation for distributed structured health data

A Aminifar, M Shokri, F Rabbi, VKI Pun, Y Lamo - IEEE Access, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Artificial intelligence and machine learning have recently attracted considerable attention in
the healthcare domain. The data used by machine learning algorithms in healthcare …

A classification-by-retrieval framework for few-shot anomaly detection to detect API injection

U Aharon, R Dubin, A Dvir, C Hajaj - Computers & Security, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Application Programming Interface (API) Injection attacks refer to the unauthorized
or malicious use of APIs, which are often exploited to gain access to sensitive data or …

E-WebGuard: Enhanced neural architectures for precision web attack detection

L Zhou, WC Yau, YS Gan, ST Liong - Computers & Security, 2025 - Elsevier
Web applications have become a favored tool for organizations to disseminate vast amounts
of information to the public. With the increasing adoption and inherent openness of these …

Seguridad Adaptativa: mecanismos y dominios de aplicación

M Calvo Matalobos - 2023 - burjcdigital.urjc.es
El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es proponer un nuevo modelo de seguridad adaptativa
basado en el riesgo. Este modelo puede funcionar en entornos complejos, heterogéneos y …

A Classification-by-Retrieval Framework for Few-Shot Anomaly Detection to Detect Api Injection Attacks

U Aharon, R Dubin, A Dvir, C Hajaj - Available at SSRN 4927579 - papers.ssrn.com
Abstract Application Programming Interface (API) Injection attacks refer to the unauthorized
or malicious use of APIs, which are often exploited to gain access to sensitive data or …