Extremely randomized trees with privacy preservation for distributed structured health data
Artificial intelligence and machine learning have recently attracted considerable attention in
the healthcare domain. The data used by machine learning algorithms in healthcare …
the healthcare domain. The data used by machine learning algorithms in healthcare …
A classification-by-retrieval framework for few-shot anomaly detection to detect API injection
Abstract Application Programming Interface (API) Injection attacks refer to the unauthorized
or malicious use of APIs, which are often exploited to gain access to sensitive data or …
or malicious use of APIs, which are often exploited to gain access to sensitive data or …
E-WebGuard: Enhanced neural architectures for precision web attack detection
Web applications have become a favored tool for organizations to disseminate vast amounts
of information to the public. With the increasing adoption and inherent openness of these …
of information to the public. With the increasing adoption and inherent openness of these …
Seguridad Adaptativa: mecanismos y dominios de aplicación
M Calvo Matalobos - 2023 - burjcdigital.urjc.es
El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es proponer un nuevo modelo de seguridad adaptativa
basado en el riesgo. Este modelo puede funcionar en entornos complejos, heterogéneos y …
basado en el riesgo. Este modelo puede funcionar en entornos complejos, heterogéneos y …
A Classification-by-Retrieval Framework for Few-Shot Anomaly Detection to Detect Api Injection Attacks
Abstract Application Programming Interface (API) Injection attacks refer to the unauthorized
or malicious use of APIs, which are often exploited to gain access to sensitive data or …
or malicious use of APIs, which are often exploited to gain access to sensitive data or …