Meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis mahasiswa melalui pembelajaran model Treffinger

BP Darminto - Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan Sains, 2013 -
Salah satu kompetensi profesional guru matematika adalah kemampuan memecahkan
masalah mate-matis. Di tingkat sekolah menengah, peningkatan kemampuan ini …

Development of web game learning materials for primary school students

W Wahyudi, M Ambarwati, E Indarini - Infinity Journal, 2019 -
The purpose of this study is to develop a web-based learning game media to improve
problem-solving skills in two-dimensional figure. Research method with R & D use the …

[PDF][PDF] Pentingnya Quantitative Reasoning (Qr) Dalam Problem Solving

A Sroyer - Prosiding SNMPM Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2013 -
Abstrak Quantitative Reasoning (QR) atau Penalaran Kuantitatif merupakan suatu
penalaran yang menekankan suatu penarikan kesimpulan berdasarkan data-data atau …

[引用][C] Cultivating upper secondary students' mathematical reasoning-ability and attitude towards mathematics through problem-based learning

EE Napitupulu, D Suryadi, YS Kusumah - Journal on mathematics education, 2016

Description of mathematical creative thinking and reasoning ability of SMP students in Islamic culture-based learning

A Jazuli - Educare, 2013 -
Learning of Mathematics at the moment seems not to develop students' Mathematical
thinking ability to the fullest. Therefore, it is necessary to find solutions to overcome these …

[引用][C] Pengaruh Strategi Murrderr, Minat Penjurusan, Dan Kemampuan Dasar Matematis Terhadap Pencapaian Kemampuan Berpikir Dan Disposisi Kreatif …

M Maulana, D Djuanda - 2017 - Program Studi Pendidikan Guru …