A domain-specific language for scripting refactorings in erlang

H Li, S Thompson - … : 15th International Conference, FASE 2012, Held as …, 2012 - Springer
Refactoring is the process of changing the design of a program without changing its
behaviour. Many refactoring tools have been developed for various programming …

Refactoring with Wrangler, updated: Data and process refactorings, and integration with Eclipse

H Li, S Thompson, G Orosz, M Tóth - … of the 7th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop …, 2008 - dl.acm.org
Wrangler is a refactoring tool for Erlang, implemented in Erlang. This paper reports the latest
developments in Wrangler, which include improved user experience, the introduction of a …

Automatic refactoring of Erlang programs

K Sagonas, T Avgerinos - Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGPLAN …, 2009 - dl.acm.org
This paper describes the design goals and current status of tidier, a software tool that tidies
Erlang source code, making it cleaner, simpler, and often also more efficient. In contrast to …

Erlang testing and tools survey

T Nagy, A Nagyné Víg - Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop …, 2008 - dl.acm.org
As the commercial usage of Erlang increases, so does the need for mature development
and testing tools. This paper aims to evaluate the available tools with their shortcomings …

Use cases for refactoring in erlang

T Kozsik, Z Csörnyei, Z Horváth, R Király… - … School: Second Summer …, 2008 - Springer
Tool support for refactoring provides guarantees for the preservation of the program
semantics during program transformation. This paper explains how RefactorErl, a refactoring …

[PDF][PDF] Building a refactoring tool for Erlang

Z Horváth, L Lövei, T Kozsik, R Kitlei, AN Víg… - … on Advanced Software …, 2008 - scg.unibe.ch
This paper presents RefactorErl, a refactoring tool for the Erlang programming language.
Based on experience obtained during a major redesign of this tool, we describe some …

Automated module interface upgrade

L Lövei - Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN workshop on …, 2009 - dl.acm.org
During the lifetime of a software product the interface of some used library modules might
change in such a way that the new interface is no longer compatible with the old one. This …

Proving correctness of refactoring tuples to records

J Bastenhof - 2023 - cse3000-research-project.github.io
Final poster Page 1 4. The Haskell-like language (HLL) Jeroen Bastenhof ‒ J.Bastenhof@student.tudelft.nl
Supervisors: JGH Cockx, L. Miljak Proving correctness of refactoring tuples to records A …

A Domain-Specific Language for Scripting Refactorings in Erlang

H Li, S Thompson - 2011 - kar.kent.ac.uk
Refactoring is the process changing the design of a program without changing its behaviour.
Many refactoring tools have been developed for various programming languages; while …

[PDF][PDF] Generación de trazas para la ejecución concólica de programas Erlang

O Coll Ruiz - 2016 - riunet.upv.es
Generación de trazas para la ejecución concólica de programas Erlang Page 1 Generación
de trazas para la ejecución concólica de programas Erlang Trabajo fin de Máster Máster …