Teaching “against” social media: Confronting problems of profit in the curriculum

DG Krutka, S Manca, SM Galvin… - Teachers College …, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
Educators increasingly teach with social media in varied ways, but they may do so without
considering the ways in which social media corporations profit from their uses or …

IT Use and Identity: A Review and a Research Agenda

M Carter, V Reibenspiess, Y Li… - Foundations and Trends …, 2022 - nowpublishers.com
Over the last 40 years, IT use has become essential to how individuals interact with the
world. From ordering meals to taking classes and even consulting a physician, so many …

Theorizing social media and activism: where is community development?

A McCabe, K Harris - Community Development Journal, 2021 - academic.oup.com
There is a growing public and academic debate on the societal impacts of the internet and,
in particular, social media. For its proponents, social media is a force for change, which can …

Algorithms, ontology, and social progress

A Iliadis - Global Media and Communication, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Recently, media and communication researchers have shown an increasing interest in
critical data studies and ways to utilize data for social progress. In this commentary, I …

Understanding the use and impact of the zero-rated free basics platform in South Africa

J Romanosky, M Chetty - Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on …, 2018 - dl.acm.org
Companies are offering zero-rated, or data-charge free Internet services to help bring
unconnected users online where Internet access is less affordable. However, it is unclear …

Market, testbed, backroom: The redacted internet of facebook's discover

L Pei, BS Olgado, R Crooks - Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
This paper uses document theory to analyze Discover, a partially free-to-use application
developed by Facebook's philanthropic initiative Connectivity and released in the …

It's Just a Joke! The payoffs and perils of microcelebrity in India

R Pande - Microcelebrity around the Globe, 2018 - emerald.com
This chapter will consider the workings of microcelebrity in the context of an evolving Indian
cyber public. In the contemporary moment, large-scale battles for control over the world's …

Deus ex machina?: Grundrechte und Digitalisierung

CL Geminn - 2023 - torrossa.com
Das Buch enthält eine überarbeitete und auf den Stand von Februar 2022 (stellenweise
auch darüber hinaus) aktualisierte Fassung der von mir im November 2021 an der …

Meeting people where they are at: The role of small-scale gender advocacy organisations in promoting digital inclusion in South Africa

CM Antonites - 2021 - eprints.qut.edu.au
This African feminist ethnography examines how gender's incorporation into political and
economic imaginaries and gender equality's promotion through current national digital …

E-government in India

R Dé - Information Systems, 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter examines the state of e-government in India through an analysis of four
projects. The analysis is conducted through the lens of established e-government …