Gender and intimate solidarity in refugee-sponsorships of unaccompanied young men

P Scheibelhofer - Refugee protection and civil society in Europe, 2019 - Springer
Based on qualitative interviews conducted in Austria, this chapter analyses the practice of a
particularly intimate form of refugee help: sponsorships of young male refugees. The chapter …

Kinship Idioms and Care-Control Dynamics in Hungarian Co-ethnic Philanthropy

I Zakariás - Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and …, 2023 - Springer
The paper investigates processes and consequences of 'philanthropic kinning', that is the
use of kinship and family idioms in constructing and maintaining personal relations between …

Producing the nation through philanthropy: Legitimising coethnic and prorefugee civic action in Hungary

I Zakariás, M Feischmidt - Nations and Nationalism, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
This paper explores interconnections between nationhood and philanthropy, namely, how
philanthropy works as a domain of meaningful social practice framed by national ideologies …

Mobilizing emotions in the global sphere: Global solidarity and the regime of rationality

J Kleres, Å Wettergren - Climate Action in a Globalizing World, 2017 -
This chapter first explores the emotional regimes that activists co-create when they meet in
the global sphere in movement spaces such as Conferences of Youth (COY). These …

Othering and recognition: National ideologies in donor-recipient encounters in Hungarian co-ethnic philanthropy

I Zakariás - Revue européenne des migrations internationales, 2019 -
‪ The paper analyses minority—kin-state relations in the context of philanthropy initiated from
Hungary, supporting ethnic Hungarian minority communities abroad. It‪‪ focuses‪‪ on the role of …

Feeling Strange. The Role of Emotion in Maintaining and Overcoming Borders and Boundaries

P Scheibelhofer - Migration Letters, 2020 -
This article argues that a focus on emotion and affect helps to understand the processes of
constructing and negotiating borders and boundaries critically. To do so, the article analyses …

Continuing politics by other means: Giving in Cold War Europe

C Capotescu - International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity, 2018 -
This article unearths the little-known history of charitable giving in Cold War Europe. The first
case explores supply conduits forged in the German Romanian community of West Germany …

Género y políticas de asilo en el estado español: una perspectiva antropológica

A Forina - 2020 -
El proceso de escritura y desarrollo de una tesis doctoral en antropología es un largo viaje
íntimo, intenso, complejo y emotivo hecho de idas y vueltas, de repetidos errores y …

Adni és elfogadni: elismerésviszonyok a kisebbségi magyarokra irányuló jótékonyságban

I Zakariás - Socio. hu Társadalomtudományi Szemle, 2017 -
This paper addresses the ways philanthropy and civic helping are embedded into power
relations. Specifically, power will be described as experienced from'below', through …

To give and to accept: Relations of recognition in philanthropy of hungarian ethnic kin support

I ZAKARIÁS - Socio. hu Társadalomtudományi Szemle, 2017 -
This paper addresses the ways philanthropy and civic helping are embedded into power
relations. Specifically, power will be described as experienced from'below', through …