A characterization by the product element orders for some groups
SF Mousavi, A Gilani, M Alaeiyan… - Journal of Information …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Given a finite group G, we denote by ψ′(G) the integer, where o (g) denotes the order of g
ϵ G. It was proved by B. Khosravi and M. Baniasad Azad [12] that some finite simple group …
ϵ G. It was proved by B. Khosravi and M. Baniasad Azad [12] that some finite simple group …
A characterization property of the simple group by the set of its element orders
MR Darafsheh, Y Farjami, A Sadrudini - Archivum Mathematicum, 2007 - dml.cz
Let $\omega (G) $ denote the set of element orders of a finite group $ G $. If $ H $ is a finite
non-abelian simple group and $\omega (H)=\omega (G) $ implies $ G $ contains a unique …
non-abelian simple group and $\omega (H)=\omega (G) $ implies $ G $ contains a unique …
L15 (2)} 的新刻画
张良才, 张苗, 聂文敏 - 数学物理学报, 2013 - manu45.magtech.com.cn
<em>L</em><sub>15</sub>(2)}的新刻画 数学物理学报 首页 期刊信息 期刊简介 编委会 被收录
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MR Darafsheh - International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 2008 - World Scientific
In this paper we will prove that up to isomorphism there are two finite groups with the same
spectrum as that of the simple group L7 (3). For the group L8 (3) we will prove that if G is a …
spectrum as that of the simple group L7 (3). For the group L8 (3) we will prove that if G is a …
P Nosratpour, MR Darafsheh - jnas.nbuv.gov.ua
Let G be a finite group. The prime graph of G is a graph Γ (G) with vertex set\pi (G) and the
set of all prime divisors of| G|, where two distinct vertices p and q are adjacent by an edge if …
set of all prime divisors of| G|, where two distinct vertices p and q are adjacent by an edge if …
Characterization of the Group G 2(5) by the Prime Graph
P Nosratpour, MR Darafsheh - Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 2017 - Springer
Let G be a finite group. The prime graph of G is a graph Γ (G) with vertex set π (G) and the
set of all prime divisors of| G|, where two distinct vertices p and q are joined by an edge if G …
set of all prime divisors of| G|, where two distinct vertices p and q are joined by an edge if G …
Characterization of the group G2 (5) by the prime graph
P Nosratpour, MR Darafsheh - Український математичний …, 2016 - irbis-nbuv.gov.ua
Let G be a finite group. The prime graph of G is a graph Γ (G) with vertex set\pi (G) and the
set of all prime divisors of| G|, where two distinct vertices p and q are adjacent by an edge if …
set of all prime divisors of| G|, where two distinct vertices p and q are adjacent by an edge if …
OD-характеризация всех конечных неабелевых простых групп порядков, простые делители которых не превосходят 13
П Носратпур, МР Дарафшех - Сибирский математический журнал, 2014 - mathnet.ru
Для всякой конечной неабелевой простой группы M порядка, простые делители
которого не превосходят 13, найдено число классов изоморфных конечных групп тех …
которого не превосходят 13, найдено число классов изоморфных конечных групп тех …
OD-characterization of all finite nonabelian simple groups with orders having prime divisors at most 13
P Nosratpour, MR Darafsheh - Siberian Mathematical Journal, 2014 - Springer
The main purpose of this article is to determine h OD (M) for every finite nonabelian simple
group M with order having prime divisors at most 13. This result is an analog of the result by …
group M with order having prime divisors at most 13. This result is an analog of the result by …
[PDF][PDF] Recognition of the group by the prime graph
P Nosratpour, MR Darafsheh - Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra, 2012 - Citeseer
Let G be a finite group. The prime graph of G is a graph Γ (G) with vertex set π (G), the set of
all prime divisors of| G|, and two distinct vertices p and q are adjacent by an edge if G has an …
all prime divisors of| G|, and two distinct vertices p and q are adjacent by an edge if G has an …