Spike-and-slab meets LASSO: A review of the spike-and-slab LASSO

R Bai, V Ročková, EI George - Handbook of Bayesian variable …, 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
High-dimensional data sets have become ubiquitous in the past few decades, often with
many more covariates than observations. In the frequentist setting, penalized likelihood …

Bayesian structure learning in undirected Gaussian graphical models: Literature review with empirical comparison

L Vogels, R Mohammadi… - Journal of the …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Gaussian graphical models provide a powerful framework to reveal the conditional
dependency structure between multivariate variables. The process of uncovering the …

Simultaneous variable and covariance selection with the multivariate spike-and-slab lasso

SK Deshpande, V Ročková… - Journal of Computational …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
We propose a Bayesian procedure for simultaneous variable and covariance selection
using continuous spike-and-slab priors in multivariate linear regression models where q …

Spike-and-slab group lassos for grouped regression and sparse generalized additive models

R Bai, GE Moran, JL Antonelli, Y Chen… - Journal of the …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
We introduce the spike-and-slab group lasso (SSGL) for Bayesian estimation and variable
selection in linear regression with grouped variables. We further extend the SSGL to sparse …

Bayesian model selection for high-dimensional data

NN Narisetty - Handbook of statistics, 2020 - Elsevier
High-dimensional data, where the number of features or covariates can even be larger than
the number of independent samples, are ubiquitous and are encountered on a regular basis …

Functional connectivity across the human subcortical auditory system using an autoregressive matrix-Gaussian copula graphical model approach with partial …

NK Chandra, KR Sitek, B Chandrasekaran… - Imaging …, 2024 - direct.mit.edu
The auditory system comprises multiple subcortical brain structures that process and refine
incoming acoustic signals along the primary auditory pathway. Due to technical limitations of …

Evaluation of pavement condition index using artificial neural network approach

R Kumar, SK Suman, G Prakash - Transportation in Developing …, 2021 - Springer
The soft computing technique, such as an artificial neural network (ANN) is a modelling tool
that is used to predict the pavement condition index value. ANN is used to model highly …

The G-Wishart Weighted Proposal Algorithm: Efficient Posterior Computation for Gaussian Graphical Models

W van den Boom, A Beskos… - Journal of Computational …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Gaussian graphical models can capture complex dependency structures among variables.
For such models, Bayesian inference is attractive as it provides principled ways to …

Consistent group selection with Bayesian high dimensional modeling

X Yang, NN Narisetty - 2020 - projecteuclid.org
Consistent Group Selection with Bayesian High Dimensional Modeling Page 1 Bayesian
Analysis (2020) 15, Number 3, pp. 909–935 Consistent Group Selection with Bayesian High …

Bayesian joint estimation of multiple graphical models

L Gan, X Yang, N Narisetty… - Advances in Neural …, 2019 - proceedings.neurips.cc
In this paper, we propose a novel Bayesian group regularization method based on the spike
and slab Lasso priors for jointly estimating multiple graphical models. The proposed method …