Effect of maltodextrin and arabic gum ratio on physicochemical characteristic of spray dried propolis microcapsules

N Sukri, RR Multisona, Zaida, RA Saputra… - International Journal of …, 2021 - degruyter.com
Propolis has known as an aromatic resin which possesses several health beneficial
properties such as antimicrobial and antioxidant due to bioactive and its complex …

Kadar Flavonoid Total Daun Rhizopora Apiculata Blume Dengan Variasi Pelarut

N Ramadhani, AG Samudra… - … Farmasi: Jurnal Ilmu …, 2022 - journal.ummat.ac.id
Rhizopora apiculata merupakan salah satu spesies mangrove yang tumbuh di pesisir pantai
barat Bengkulu. Tanaman ini dilaporkan memiliki kandungan aktivitas antioksidan yang …

[PDF][PDF] Karakteristik hard candy minyak atsiri daun kemangi (Ocimum basilicum L.) dengan penambahan ekstrak daun kersen (Muntingia calabura L.)

S Dwiananta, B Yudhistira, R Utami - Agrointek: Jurnal Teknologi …, 2022 - researchgate.net
Basil leaf essential oil hard candy with the addition of cherry leaf extract is an innovation in
the food sector in an effort to develop functional food products by adding antioxidant activity …

Content of Phenols and Flavonoids from Distillation of Beluntas (Pluchea indica l.) Leaves with Variables of Distillation Temperature and Pressure

I Donowarti, J Rahaju… - Prisma Sains: Jurnal …, 2024 - e-journal.undikma.ac.id
This study focuses on examining the properties of phenolic and flavonoid compounds that
result from the distillation of beluntas (Pluchea indica L) leaves, with changes in temperature …

Efek Gastroprotektif Ekstrak Etanol Wortel (Daucus carota L.) pada Tikus Jantan Galur Wistar Yang Diinduksi Aspirin

RL Wulandari, BRS Aji - Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi dan …, 2023 - publikasiilmiah.unwahas.ac.id
Aspirin dapat menimbulkan efek samping yaitu kerusakan mukosa lambung dan wortel
memiliki potensi sebagai gastroprotektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan efek …

[PDF][PDF] The effect of giving boiled water of sirsake on the reduction of uric acid

RF Iman, I Mujahid - Proceedings Series on …, 2020 - conferenceproceedings.ump.ac.id
Uric acid is a disease characterized by pain due to deposits of monosodium urate crystals
that accumulate in the joints as a result of high levels of uric acid in the blood. Consuming …

[PDF][PDF] Efek Gastroprotektif Ekstrak Etanol Wortel (Daucus arota L.) Pada Tikus Jantan Galur Wistar Yang Diinduksi Aspirin

BRS Aji, RL Wulandari - 2020 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Aspirin can cause side effects, namely gastric mucosal damage and carrots have the
potential as a gastroprotective. This study aims to prove the gastroprotective effect of carrot …

[引用][C] Pengaruh Variasi Suhu Maserasi Kinetik Terhadap Nilai Rendemen dan Kadar Total Klorofil Ekstrak Etanol Serai Dapur (Cymbopogon citratus)

RSAN Rahma - 2023 - Universitas Islam Malang