The study of slums as social and physical constructs: Challenges and emerging research opportunities

R Mahabir, A Crooks, A Croitoru… - Regional Studies …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Over 1 billion people currently live in slums, with the number of slum dwellers only expected
to grow in the coming decades. The vast majority of slums are located in and around urban …

[HTML][HTML] World agriculture: towards 2010: an FAO study

N Alexandratos - 1995 -
Page 1 Edited by Nikos Alexandratos WORLD AGRICULTURE: TOWARDS 2010 An FAO
Study F FIAT PANIS W WILEY Page 2 Page 3 World Agriculture: Towards 2010 This One …

Land-use and land-cover change: science/research plan

BL Turner, D Skole, S Sanderson… - [No source …, 1995 -
Abstract Land-Use and Land-Cover Change is significant to a range of themes and issues
central to the study of global change. The alterations it effects in the surface of the earth hold …

Agricultural trade reform and the Doha Development Agenda

K Anderson, W Martin - World Economy, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
This paper examines the extent to which various regions, and the world as a whole, could
gain from multilateral trade reform over the next decade. The World Bank's Linkage model of …

[图书][B] Trade liberalization and poverty: A handbook

N McCulloch, LA Winters, X Cirera - 2001 -
Sponsored by the UK Department for International Development, this book deals directly
with concerns that reform may have adverse effects on poverty in developing countries. The …

Explaining agricultural and agrarian policies in developing countries

HP Binswanger, K Deininger - Journal of economic literature, 1997 - JSTOR
We are grateful to Xinshen Diao for imnportant background work on general equilibrium
mnodeling and critical input on early ideas, and to Wendy Ayres for her role as a challenging …

[图书][B] Rural finance: Issues, design, and best practices

J Yaron, MDP Benjamin, GL Piprek - 1997 -
Rural financial markets, in particular those involving state-owned agricultural credit
institutions, have been at the center of government interventions in most developing …

[图书][B] Globalization for development: trade, finance, aid, migration, and policy

I Goldin, KA Reinert - 2006 -
" Globalization and its relation to poverty reduction and development is not well understood.
The book identifies the ways in which globalization can overcome poverty or make it worse …

Commodity prices: cyclical weakness or secular decline?

CM Reinhart, P Wickham - Staff Papers, 1994 - Springer
Primary commodities still account for the bulk of exports in many developing countries.
However, real commodity prices have been declining almost continuously since the early …

Global models applied to agricultural and trade policies: a review and assessment

F Van Tongeren, H Van Meijl, Y Surry - Agricultural economics, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
The continuing process of global integration bears implications for farmers and related
supplying and processing industries in all parts of the world, but also for the rest of the world …