[HTML][HTML] Carbon under pressure

B Sundqvist - Physics Reports, 2021 - Elsevier
Carbon is an element with extremely versatile bonding properties and theoretical
calculations have suggested the possible existence of several hundred structural allotropes …

Chemistry and physics of dopants embedded in helium droplets

S Albertini, E Gruber, F Zappa… - Mass Spectrometry …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Helium droplets represent a cold inert matrix, free of walls with outstanding properties to
grow complexes and clusters at conditions that are perfect to simulate cold and dense …

Structural phase transitions of C60 under high-pressure and high-temperature

M Álvarez-Murga, JL Hodeau - Carbon, 2015 - Elsevier
Structural phase transitions of C 60 under high-pressure and high-temperature are
presented in a concise overview extracted from updated literature. Primarily focused on …

Mechanical properties of the 3D polymerized, amorphous, and diamond-plus-graphite nanocomposite carbon phases prepared from under high pressure

VV Brazhkin, AG Lyapin, SV Popova… - Journal of applied …, 1998 - pubs.aip.org
Mechanical properties (Vicker's hardness, Young's modulus, and fracture toughness
coefficient) have been studied for the three-dimensionally polymerized, amorphous, and …

Metastable crystalline and amorphous carbon phases obtained from fullerite by high-pressure–high-temperature treatment

VV Brazhkin, AG Lyapin, SV Popova, RN Voloshin… - Physical Review B, 1997 - APS
A number of metastable ordered and disordered carbon phases have been prepared from
fullerite C 60 by heating to different temperatures at 12.5 GPa and subsequent quenching to …

Hard and superhard carbon phases synthesized from fullerites under pressure

VV Brazhkin, AG Lyapin - Journal of Superhard Materials, 2012 - Springer
A review has been presented on the structural and mechanical properties of hard carbon
phases synthesized from fullerite C 60 under pressure. The density and nanostructure have …

Diamond-like phases formed from fullerene-like clusters

EA Belenkov, VA Greshnyakov - Physics of the Solid State, 2015 - Springer
The geometrically optimized structure and properties of thirteen diamond-like carbon phases
formed by linking or combining fullerene-like clusters (C 4, C 6, C 8, C 12, C 16, C 24, or C …

Hydrogen‐free amorphous carbon films approaching diamond prepared by magnetron sputtering

S Logothetidis - Applied physics letters, 1996 - pubs.aip.org
Unhydrogenated amorphous carbon films were deposited by rf magnetron sputtering at
room temperature. In situ spectroscopic ellipsometry and real time ellipsometry were used to …

Elastic properties of ultrahard fullerites

VD Blank, VM Levin, VM Prokhorov, SG Buga… - Journal of Experimental …, 1998 - Springer
The elastic properties of C 60 fullerite samples synthesized under pressure P= 13.0 GPa at
high temperatures were investigated using acoustic microscopy. The velocities of …

Intrinsic stress and local rigidity in tetrahedral amorphous carbon

PC Kelires - Physical Review B, 2000 - APS
Atomic level quantities are valuable tools in probing the local structural characteristics of
amorphous materials. In this paper, we utilize the concept of atomic level stresses to study …