Single atom detection in ultracold quantum gases: a review of current progress
H Ott - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2016 -
The recent advances in single atom detection and manipulation in experiments with
ultracold quantum gases are reviewed. The discussion starts with the basic principles of …
ultracold quantum gases are reviewed. The discussion starts with the basic principles of …
Spectroscopy of cold rubidium Rydberg atoms for applications in quantum information
II Ryabtsev, II Beterov, DB Tretyakov, VM Entin… - Physics …, 2016 -
Atoms in highly excited (Rydberg) states have a number of unique properties which make
them attractive for applications in quantum information: large dipole moments, lifetimes, and …
them attractive for applications in quantum information: large dipole moments, lifetimes, and …
Rydberg Excitations in Bose-Einstein Condensates in Quasi-One-Dimensional<? format?> Potentials and Optical Lattices
We experimentally realize Rydberg excitations in Bose-Einstein condensates of rubidium
atoms loaded into quasi-one-dimensional traps and in optical lattices. Our results for …
atoms loaded into quasi-one-dimensional traps and in optical lattices. Our results for …
Cooperative excitation and many-body interactions in a cold Rydberg gas
The dipole blockade of Rydberg excitations is a hallmark of the strong interactions between
atoms in these high-lying quantum states [M. Saffman, TG Walker, and K. Mølmer, Rev. Mod …
atoms in these high-lying quantum states [M. Saffman, TG Walker, and K. Mølmer, Rev. Mod …
Doppler-and recoil-free laser excitation of Rydberg states via three-photon transitions
II Ryabtsev, II Beterov, DB Tretyakov, VM Entin… - Physical Review A …, 2011 - APS
Three-photon laser excitation of Rydberg states by three different laser beams can be
arranged in a starlike geometry that simultaneously eliminates the recoil effect and Doppler …
arranged in a starlike geometry that simultaneously eliminates the recoil effect and Doppler …
Measurements of single-state and state-ensemble lifetimes of high-lying Rb Rydberg levels
We demonstrate a hybrid method based on field ionization and state-selective deexcitation
capable of measuring the lifetimes of high-lying Rydberg levels. For n S Rydberg states of …
capable of measuring the lifetimes of high-lying Rydberg levels. For n S Rydberg states of …
Rydberg state mediated quantum gates and entanglement of pairs of neutral atoms
Experiments performed within the last year have demonstrated Rydberg state mediated
quantum gates and deterministic entanglement between pairs of trapped neutral atoms …
quantum gates and deterministic entanglement between pairs of trapped neutral atoms …
Спектроскопия холодных ридберговских атомов рубидия для применений в квантовой информатике
ИИ Рябцев, ИИ Бетеров, ДБ Третьяков… - Успехи физических …, 2016 -
Атомы в высоковозбуждённых (ридберговских) состояниях обладают рядом
уникальных свойств, делающих их привлекательными для применений в квантовой …
уникальных свойств, делающих их привлекательными для применений в квантовой …
Two-photon laser excitation of Rb Rydberg atoms in the magneto-optical trap and vapor cell
DB Tretyakov, VM Entin, II Beterov, EA Yakshina… - Photonics, 2023 -
We present our experimental results of two-photon laser excitation 5 S 1/2→ 5 P 3/2→ nS
1/2 of Rb atoms to Rydberg nS 1/2 states with a homemade 480 nm laser in the second …
1/2 of Rb atoms to Rydberg nS 1/2 states with a homemade 480 nm laser in the second …
Rydberg spectroscopy of a Rb MOT in the presence of applied or ion created electric fields
Rydberg spectroscopy of rubidium cold atoms trapped in a magneto-optical trap (MOT) was
performed in a quartz cell. When electric fields acting on the atoms generated by a plate …
performed in a quartz cell. When electric fields acting on the atoms generated by a plate …