[HTML][HTML] Late Plio-Pleistocene evolution of the Eurasian Ice Sheets inferred from sediment input along the northeastern Atlantic continental margin
ØF Lien, BO Hjelstuen, X Zhang, HP Sejrup - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2022 - Elsevier
High-latitude marine sediment archives may contain information about the configuration and
dynamics of former ice sheets, paleoclimate and the intensity of glacial erosion and uplift in …
dynamics of former ice sheets, paleoclimate and the intensity of glacial erosion and uplift in …
Stratigraphic evidence of a Middle Pleistocene climate‐driven flexural uplift in the Alps
This interdisciplinary study on the subsurface stratigraphy of the Po Plain (northern Italy)
brings new evidence in support of a climate‐driven erosional unloading of the Alps since the …
brings new evidence in support of a climate‐driven erosional unloading of the Alps since the …
Deciphering Earth's natural hourglasses: perspectives on source-to-sink analysis
W Helland-Hansen, TO Sømme… - Journal of …, 2016 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Production, transport, and deposition of siliciclastic sediments takes place across changing
altitudes, physical processes, environments, and controls en route from source to sink …
altitudes, physical processes, environments, and controls en route from source to sink …
Bimodal Plio–Quaternary glacial erosion of fjords and low-relief surfaces in Scandinavia
Glacial landscapes are characterized by dramatic local relief, but they also commonly exhibit
high-elevation, low-relief surfaces,,,,,,. These surfaces have been attributed to glacial …
high-elevation, low-relief surfaces,,,,,,. These surfaces have been attributed to glacial …
[PDF][PDF] Stratigraphic landscape analysis, thermochronology and the episodic development of elevated, passive continental margins
PF Green, K Lidmar-Bergström, P Japsen… - GEUS …, 2013 - researchgate.net
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin 30, 150 pp. Page 1 1 GEOLOGICAL
SURVEY OF DENMARK AND GREENLAND BULLETIN 30 • 2013 Stratigraphic landscape …
SURVEY OF DENMARK AND GREENLAND BULLETIN 30 • 2013 Stratigraphic landscape …
Constraining the tectonic evolution of rifted continental margins by U–Pb calcite dating
We employ U–Pb calcite dating of structurally-controlled fracture fills within crystalline
Caledonian basement in western Norway to reveal subtle large-scale tectonic events that …
Caledonian basement in western Norway to reveal subtle large-scale tectonic events that …
Morphology and pattern of Quaternary sedimentation in the North Sea Basin (52–62 N)
Abstract The Quaternary North Sea Basin, which extends from northwest mainland Europe
in the south (52° N) to the Norwegian Sea in the north (62° N), contains a thick (up to 1 km) …
in the south (52° N) to the Norwegian Sea in the north (62° N), contains a thick (up to 1 km) …
A synthesis of Cenozoic sedimentation in the North Sea
The N orth S ea B asin contains an almost complete record of C enozoic sedimentation,
separated by clear regional unconformities. The changes in sediment characteristics, rate …
separated by clear regional unconformities. The changes in sediment characteristics, rate …
The early quaternary north sea basin
The onset of the Quaternary (2.58 Ma) corresponds to significant paleo-environmental
events, such as the intensification and southward extension of Northern Hemisphere …
events, such as the intensification and southward extension of Northern Hemisphere …
The deep structure of the Scandes and its relation to tectonic history and present-day topography
We review the results of the TopoScandiaDeep project, a component of the TOPOEUROPE
project, in which we have studied the crustal and upper mantle structures of southern …
project, in which we have studied the crustal and upper mantle structures of southern …