[HTML][HTML] Specific learning disability in mathematics: a comprehensive review

N Soares, T Evans, DR Patel - Translational pediatrics, 2018 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Math skills are necessary for success in the childhood educational and future adult work
environment. This article reviews the changing terminology for specific learning disabilities …

[图书][B] Learning and teaching early math: The learning trajectories approach

DH Clements, J Sarama - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
The third edition of this significant and groundbreaking book summarizes current research
into how young children learn mathematics and how best to develop foundational …

A systematic review of research syntheses on students with mathematics learning disabilities and difficulties

G Nelson, A Crawford, J Hunt, S Park… - Learning …, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
The purpose of the systematic review of mathematics intervention syntheses was to identify
patterns and gaps in content areas, instructional strategies, effect sizes, and definitions of …

Interventions for children with mathematical difficulties

S Chodura, JT Kuhn, H Holling - Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 2015 - econtent.hogrefe.com
The purpose of this study was to meta-analyze the effectivity of interventions for children with
mathematical difficulties. Furthermore, we investigated whether the fit between …

Cognitive subtypes of mathematics learning difficulties in primary education

D Bartelet, D Ansari, A Vaessen, L Blomert - Research in developmental …, 2014 - Elsevier
It has been asserted that children with mathematics learning difficulties (MLD) constitute a
heterogeneous group. To date, most researchers have investigated differences between …

Shared and unique risk factors underlying mathematical disability and reading and spelling disability

EM Slot, S Van Viersen, EH De Bree… - Frontiers in …, 2016 - frontiersin.org
High comorbidity rates have been reported between mathematical learning disabilities (MD)
and reading and spelling disabilities (RSD). Research has identified skills related to math …

[HTML][HTML] The relevance of subtyping children with mathematical learning disabilities

MDE Huijsmans, T Kleemans, SHG van der Ven… - Research in …, 2020 - Elsevier
Background Profiles of mathematical learning disability (MLD) have been conceptualized in
the literature, but empirical evidence to support them based on academic and cognitive …

The cognitive profile of math difficulties: A meta-analysis based on clinical criteria

S Haberstroh, G Schulte-Körne - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Math difficulties (MD) manifest across various domain-specific and domain-general abilities.
However, the existing cognitive profile of MD is incomplete and thus not applicable in typical …

Conservation abilities, visuospatial skills, and numerosity processing speed: Association with math achievement and math difficulties in elementary school children

K Lambert, B Spinath - Journal of Learning Disabilities, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
The aim of the present study was to investigate the associations between elementary school
children's mathematical achievement and their conservation abilities, visuospatial skills, and …

Not all elementary school teachers are scared of math

C Artemenko, N Masson, C Georges… - Journal of Numerical …, 2021 - jnc.psychopen.eu
Teachers are strong role models for their pupils, especially at the beginning of education.
This also holds true for math: If teachers feel anxious about math, the consequences on the …