[PDF][PDF] Blended learning as instructional model in vocational education: literature review

UV Krismadinata, N Jalinus, F Rizal… - Universal Journal …, 2020 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
This article aims to examine and provide an explanation of the blended learning model in
vocational education. The method used is a meta-analysis method. All data contained in …

[PDF][PDF] Pembelajaran e-learning di masa pandemi

B Husain, M Basri - Surabaya: Pustaka Aksara, 2021 - perpustakaan.iaiskjmalang.ac.id
Alhamdulilah, ucapan puji dan syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
(Allah SWT), atas berkat rahmat dan inayah-nya, sehingga penulisan buku ini dapat …

[PDF][PDF] Tracer study analysis for the reconstruction of the mining vocational curriculum in the era of industrial revolution 4.0

B Heriyadi - Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics …, 2021 - academia.edu
The Diploma in Mining Engineering Study Program at Padang State University is a
vocational education at the diploma three (D3) and has been around since 2001. The …

Learning flexibility and innovation in the post-covid-19 pandemic era

O Candra, D Novaliendry, P Jaya, Y Huda… - Journal of Higher …, 2022 - articlearchives.co
Educators employ technology in the twenty-first century to build knowledge and soft skills to
enhance competencies that fit with the demands of the workplace. With the advent of new …

[PDF][PDF] Comparison of collaborative learning models to improve programming competence

WS Krismadinata - iJOE, 2021 - academia.edu
The purpose of this research is how collaborative learning strategies should be arranged in
three classes as Wang & Hwang model class, control class and experimental class with …

Pembelajaran Online Menghadapi Wabah Covid 19

TJ Betri - Widya Wacana: Jurnal Ilmiah, 2020 - ejurnal.unisri.ac.id
Pembelajaran online informasi yang mengarah pada era digital baik proses maupun konten
di era revolusi industri 4.0 sangat dibutuhkan untuk mengikuti perkembangan dunia …

Development Augmented Reality (AR) Learning Media for Pencak Silat Course at Faculty of Sports and Science Universitas Negeri Padang

S Nelson, R Darni, F Haris - Educational Administration: Theory and …, 2022 - kuey.net
Learning activity must contain aspects of practicality, attractiveness and could motivate
student, to facilitate the implementation of learning. Interesting learning media and effective …

Online Learning Innovation in the Era and Post Covid-19 Pandemic

W Susanti, RY Rangga, T Nasution - … Conference on Technical …, 2021 - atlantis-press.com
In the 21st century educators use technology not only to develop knowledge but also soft
skills to improve competencies that are in line with the requirements of the world of work …

Efforts to develop creativity in vocational education through a learning model based on student research activities

W Nelmira, A Efi, Y Sandra - Educational Administration: Theory and …, 2022 - kuey.net
This research was motivated by the research findings of The Global Creativity Index 2015
and The Global Innovation Index 2020 where the creativity and innovation index in …

Factor analysis of the relationship of curiosity and device addiction through motivation to digital literacy in the context of smart learning

Y Hendriyani, M Anwar, H Hidayat… - Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2023 - journal.uny.ac.id
This study aims to investigate the relationship between curiosity and device addiction factors
and motivation towards digital literacy in the context of smart learning. This study used a …