Tectonic significance of serpentinites

S Guillot, S Schwartz, B Reynard, P Agard, C Prigent - Tectonophysics, 2015 - Elsevier
At plate boundaries, where deformation is localized along centimetre-to kilometre-scale
shear zones, the influence of serpentinite on tectonic processes is linked to its unique …

Serpentine in active subduction zones

B Reynard - Lithos, 2013 - Elsevier
Serpentinization is a key phenomenon for understanding the geodynamics of subduction
zones in the 10–200 km depth range. Serpentines are a major water carrier, and their …

The serpentinite multisystem revisited: chrysotile is metastable

BW Evans - International Geology Review, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
The two rock-forming polymorphs of serpentine Mg3Si2O5 (OH) 4, lizardite and chrysotile,
occur in nature in virtually identical ranges of temperature and pressure, from surficial or …

Pressure–temperature estimates of the lizardite/antigorite transition in high pressure serpentinites

S Schwartz, S Guillot, B Reynard, R Lafay, B Debret… - Lithos, 2013 - Elsevier
Serpentine minerals in natural samples are dominated by lizardite and antigorite. In spite of
numerous laboratory experiments, the stability fields of these species remain poorly …

High-pressure creep of serpentine, interseismic deformation, and initiation of subduction

N Hilairet, B Reynard, Y Wang, I Daniel, S Merkel… - Science, 2007 - science.org
The supposed low viscosity of serpentine may strongly influence subduction-zone dynamics
at all time scales, but until now its role could not be quantified because measurements …

Tethyan and Indian subduction viewed from the Himalayan high-to ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks

S Guillot, G Mahéo, J De Sigoyer, KH Hattori, A Pecher - Tectonophysics, 2008 - Elsevier
The Himalayan range is one of the best documented continent-collisional belts and provides
a natural laboratory for studying subduction processes. High-pressure and ultrahigh …

Tschermak's substitution in antigorite and consequences for phase relations and water liberation in high-grade serpentinites

JA Padrón-Navarta, VL Sánchez-Vizcaíno, J Hermann… - Lithos, 2013 - Elsevier
A model for the incorporation of alumina in FeO–MgO–Al 2 O 3–SiO 2–H 2 O (FMASH)
serpentinites has been developed by considering ideal Tschermak (Al 2 Mg− 1 Si− 1) solid …

Geochemical character of serpentinites associated with high‐to ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphic rocks in the Alps, Cuba, and the Himalayas: Recycling of elements in …

KH Hattori, S Guillot - Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Serpentinites associated with eclogitic rocks were examined from three areas: the Alps,
Cuba, and the Himalayas. Most serpentinites have low Al/Si and high concentrations of Ir …

High-pressure behaviour of serpentine minerals: a Raman spectroscopic study

AL Auzende, I Daniel, B Reynard, C Lemaire… - Physics and Chemistry …, 2004 - Springer
Four main serpentine varieties can be distinguished on the basis of their microstructures, ie
lizardite, antigorite, chrysotile and polygonal serpentine. Among these, antigorite is the …

Control of the Products of Serpentinization by the Fe2+Mg−1 Exchange Potential of Olivine and Orthopyroxene

BW Evans - Journal of Petrology, 2008 - academic.oup.com
It is argued that the high-Mg content (mg-number= 95±3) of the serpentine minerals in
serpentinized peridotite is a consequence of the environmental Fe2+ Mg− 1 exchange …