Bayesian time-varying occupancy model for West Nile virus in Ontario, Canada

SD Temple, CA Manore, KA Kaufeld - Stochastic environmental research …, 2022 - Springer
Occupancy models determine the true presence or absence of a species by adjusting for
imperfect detection in surveys. They often assume that species presences can be detected …

Optimal Time Phase Identification for Apple Orchard Land Recognition and Spatial Analysis Using Multitemporal Sentinel-2 Images and Random Forest Classification

Y Yan, X Tang, X Zhu, X Yu - Sustainability, 2023 -
The significance of identifying apple orchard land and monitoring its spatial distribution
patterns is increasing for precise yield prediction and agricultural sustainable development …

Long-Range Dispersal Behaviour and Spatial Distribution Modelling of Adult Mosquitoes in the Winnipeg Region

ME Balcaen - 2020 -
Mosquitoes are present in virtually every nation worldwide, acting as both a vector for many
serious pathogens, and as a nuisance because of their blood-feeding behaviours. As a …

Improving mosquito population models over the Greater Toronto Area using MSI and SAR data

SA DeMets, A Ziemann, C Manore… - … , and Applications for …, 2021 -
As West Nile Virus (WNV) and St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE) become more prevalent across
North America, there is an increased risk of fatal neuroinvasive cases. In order for public …