Students' Perceptions of Collaborative Team Teaching and Student Achievement Motivation.

K Anwar, S Asari, R Husniah, CH Asmara - International Journal of Instruction, 2021 - ERIC
To date, only student's collaborative behaviour in learning is seen and linked to
achievement motivation. Even though the teacher has a great role to determine learning …

Students' Perception of Learning Experience and Achievement Motivation: Prototyping English for Academic Purposes (EAP).

K Anwar, A Wardhono - International Journal of Instruction, 2019 - ERIC
There are two prominent constraints of students' needs analysis; first, the identification of
needs in teaching English for Academic Purposes (EAP) merely focuses on two main …

Outdoor education

WT Fang, A Hassan, BA LePage - … Sound Science toward a Cleaner, Safer …, 2022 - Springer
Environmental Education (EE) promotes the complex interrelationships between
humanculture and ecosystems. Due to the political nature of environmental decision …

The improvement of Arabic learning program in realizing the world class university

S Mustofa, RS Febriani, FM Ibrahim - Al Bayan, 2021 -
Foreign language is one of the fundamental elements in creating the world class university.
To realize a world class university, the excellent Arabic language learning program is …

Outdoor education, the enhancement and sustainability of cultural heritage: medieval madrid

ML Gómez-Ruiz, FJ Morales-Yago… - Sustainability, 2021 -
Education has a crucial role to play in helping meet the Sustainable Development Goals, for
which the initial training of university teachers, and its evaluation, are all essential. In this …

Pre-Service Teachers' Professional Development through Four-Step Problem-Solving Model: A Seminar Method.

LM Dos Santos - International Journal of Education and Practice, 2019 - ERIC
Effective teaching and learning strategy is one of the most important topics in the field of
teachers' professional development. Teachers' education and pre-service teachers' training …

Implementasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia menggunakan Model Flipped Classroom Berbasis Pembelajaran Online

NSN Supriati, SR Febriani - Edukatif: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2021 -
Tuntutan inovasi sistem pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di masa pandemi sangat
dibutuhkan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memberikan hasil belajar yang maksimal meskipun …

“I had a spider in my mouth”: What makes students happy in outdoor environmental education programs

R Kroufek, J Cincera, M Kolenaty, J Zalesak… - Evaluation and Program …, 2023 - Elsevier
The study contributes to program design and evaluation practice in outdoor environmental
education by identifying instructional strategies crucial for student satisfaction. Student …

The Effect of four square writing method (FSWM) through picture series in writing narrative text for eleventh grade at SMA Nusantara Balongpanggang

A Rofi'ah, U Ma'rifah - Journal of English Teaching, Literature …, 2018 -
Good writing is important aspect in teaching writing subject. But the students find some
problems that they faced in their writing which is in generating and organizing the ideas …

The effect of running dictation towards students spelling in writing short functional text at SMP Islamic Qon

IS Zakiyah, R Husniah - Journal of English Teaching, Literature …, 2018 -
Spelling is a key functional component of writing. In teaching learning writing, the students
face some problems, which have an error in terms of spelling that influences the meaning of …