[PDF][PDF] Paradigma pendidikan demokrasi dan pendidikan islam dalam menghadapi tantangan globalisasi di indonesia
AM Rosyad, MA Maarif - Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2020 - core.ac.uk
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi paradigma pendidikan Islam, pendidikan
demokratis untuk menghadapi tantangan globalisasi di Indonesia. Metode penelitian ini …
demokratis untuk menghadapi tantangan globalisasi di Indonesia. Metode penelitian ini …
The Correlation of the Understanding of Indonesian History, Multiculturalism, and Historical Awareness to Students' Nationalistic Attitudes.
This study aimed to analyze the relationship between understanding Indonesian history,
multiculturalism, and historical awareness with the nationalist attitudes of state high school …
multiculturalism, and historical awareness with the nationalist attitudes of state high school …
Integrating Local Wisdom in Elementary Education: Evaluating the Impact of Thematic Curriculum in Palopo City
This study investigates the impact of integrating local wisdom into thematic curriculum
textbooks on the knowledge and appreciation of elementary school students towards local …
textbooks on the knowledge and appreciation of elementary school students towards local …
[PDF][PDF] Konsep Integrasi Tasamuh Qur'ani dalam Pendidikan Moderasi Beragama
LA Putri, D Witro - Jurnal Analisa Pemikiran Insan Cendikia (APIC), 2022 - researchgate.net
Dewasa ini, umat Islam setidaknya dihadapkan dengan dua tantangan akan
kecenderungan dalam memahami dan menjalankan teks-teks keagamaan Islam. Pertama …
kecenderungan dalam memahami dan menjalankan teks-teks keagamaan Islam. Pertama …
Implementasi pendidikan multikultural melalui media pop up book tematik di sekolah dasar
RT Muskania, A Marini… - Al-Madrasah: Jurnal …, 2020 - jurnal.stiq-amuntai.ac.id
Pendidikan multikultural memberikan kesempatan yang sama bagi peserta didik untuk
dapat memiliki segala interaksi dari berbagai latar belakang budaya yang berbeda. Hal ini …
dapat memiliki segala interaksi dari berbagai latar belakang budaya yang berbeda. Hal ini …
[PDF][PDF] Mainstreaming of Religious Moderation Program in The Department of Islamic Religious Education
Muslims are facing challenges that can push them towards extremism (Subchi dkk., 2022),
whether it's on the extreme right or extreme left (Putri & Witro, 2022). This is evident today …
whether it's on the extreme right or extreme left (Putri & Witro, 2022). This is evident today …
The Strategy of School Principal to Promote Multicultural Education in Islamic High Schools in Samarinda.
ME Mahmud - Dinamika Ilmu, 2023 - ERIC
Multicultural education is the process of character formation for respecting and valuing
different groups such as ethnicity, culture, language, race, and skin color because human …
different groups such as ethnicity, culture, language, race, and skin color because human …
Problem Identification of Dyspraxia Students in Primary School
C Widyasari - Jurnal Elementaria Edukasia, 2024 - ejournal.unma.ac.id
This research aims to describe the problem identification of dyspraxic students in primary
schools. In identifying the problems of students with dyspraxia in elementary school, it …
schools. In identifying the problems of students with dyspraxia in elementary school, it …
[引用][C] The effect of the project-based learning model on students' resilience during the pandemic Covid-19
GDS Rahayu, MR Fauzi - JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia), 2020