A review of application of natural products as fungicides for chili

K Ngibad, A Muadifah, LJ Triarini… - Environmental and …, 2021 - journal2.unusa.ac.id
Anthracnose disease in chillies is a serious problem for farmers. So far, synthetic fungicides
have been used as solution for the treatment of this disease. However, the side effects of …

Peningkatan Pemahaman Pencegahan Penyakit Patek (Antraknosa) Pada Tanaman Cabai di Desa Senggowar Kabupaten Nganjuk

MM Asegaf, MI Junjunan… - El-Mujtama: Jurnal …, 2023 - journal.laaroiba.com
ABSTRAK Saat ini di Desa Senggowar memasuki masa musim kemarau, yang mana
kebanyakan petani di sini menanam cabai sebagai salah satu komoditas yang sangat …

Pengendalian Patogen Fusarium Sp. Dan Colletotrichum Sp. Pada Tanaman Pisang Barangan (Musa Acuminata) Dengan Menggunakan Ekoenzim

B Asni - 2023 - repository.ar-raniry.ac.id
Pisang Barangan (Musa acuminata) merupakan famili Musaceae yang memiliki nilai
ekonomi yang tinggi dan berpoptensi sebagai bahan komersial dan diversifikasi pangan …

Uji Antagonis Jamur Trichoderma sp. terhadap Penyakit Antraknosa Colletotrichum sp. pada Tanaman Cabai Keriting Capsicum annuum L. di Laboratorium

A Sanothan, VB Montong… - … ENFIT: Entomologi dan …, 2023 - ejournal.unsrat.ac.id
This study aims to determine the antagonistic test of Trichoderma sp. against anthracnose
disease, Colletotrichum sp. on curly chili plants, Capsicum annuum L. The research was …

Uji Efektivitas Pestisida Nabati Daun Mengkudu Terhadap Pengendalian Penyakit Antraknosa Pada Tanaman Cabai

H Suparto, A Gazali, A Sofyan, RN Hikmah… - Jurnal Penelitian …, 2023 - e-journal.upr.ac.id
Anthracnose is a disease that attacks and is very feared in chili cultivation. The low
production and productivity of chili plants is caused by this disease. The purpose of this …

Estimation of genetic parameters of resistance to Anthracnose disease in several genotypes of ornamental Chili (Capsicum annuum L.)

S Hafsah, A Marliah, PB Safhira… - … Series: Earth and …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
Ornamental chilies have attractive and varied shapes and fruit colors, so they are liked by
consumers. However, ornamental chili plants are susceptible to disease, especially …

Uji Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Cengkih dan Jintan untuk Menurunkan Intensitas Serangan Penyakit Antraknosa pada Tanaman Cabai Besar

JD Cahya, AW Setiawan - Jurnal Ilmiah Membangun …, 2024 - ejournal.agribisnis.uho.ac.id
Anthracnose disease is one of the diseases in chili plants that can reduce yields by up to
80%. This study aims to determine the effectiveness and optimal concentration of natural …

Testing Coconut Shell Liquid Smoke in Controlling the Pathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides that Causes Anthracnose Disease in Chili (Capsicum annum L.).

SM Naufal, W Rumahlewang… - JURNAL BUDIDAYA …, 2023 - ojs3.unpatti.ac.id
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides merupakan jenis patogen yang menyebabkan penyakit
antraknosa. Penyakit ini tergolong penyakit utama pada tanaman cabai yang dapat …

Serangan Hama dan Penyakit pada Pertanaman di Beberapa Desa di Kecamatan Air Kumbang

A Umayah, RB Lubis, AA Lubis… - Seminar Nasional …, 2023 - conference.unsri.ac.id
Abstract Umayah, A., Lubis, RB, Lubis, AA, Nuraini, S., Priani, D., Ramawati, R., & Cahyani,
I.(2023). Pest and disease attacks on plantations in several villages in Air Kumbang …

Pengujian Asap Cair Tempurung Kelapa Dalam Mengendalikan Patogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penyebab Penyakit Antraknosa Pada Cabai (Capsicum …

SM Naufal, W Rumahlewang… - Jurnal Agrosilvopasture …, 2023 - ojs3.unpatti.ac.id
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is a type of pathogen that causes anthracnose. This disease
is classified as a major disease in chili plants which can cause great losses. Liquid smoke …