Pemanfaatan marketplace shopee dalam peningkatan volume penjualan jaket hoodie toko mikayla shop

R Amelia, T Sudrartono - Jurnal Informatika Ekonomi Bisnis, 2023 -
This research was conducted to find out the problem of decreasing sales volume that
occurred at the Mikayla Shop Store in 2022 by making several efforts by carrying out …

Peranan Media Sosial terhadap Kenaikan Nilai Omset Penjualan di" Tiktok" pada Pedagang dengan Cara Live Shopping

E Erlina, H Aribowo - Jurnal Mirai Management, 2023 -
This research utilizes a qualitative descriptive research method. Data will be collected
through literature review, observation, and interviews with merchants who use live shopping …

Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Roti Menggunakan Metode Promotion Mix Dan AHP (Studi Kasus Pada UMKM X Bakery Balikpapan)

NNM Febriyanti, VA Leksono, SR Rizalmi… - JATI UNIK: Jurnal …, 2023 -
The success of a business venture in marketing the products offered can be influenced by
marketing strategy planning. Planning the right marketing strategy can help business actors …

Analysis of website and excel-based promotional media

S Edi, AR Muslikh, FY Pamuji - Proceedings of International …, 2022 -
The development of information technology now has a positive impact on increasing the use
of social media which can facilitate all the activities of SMEs in Indonesia to carry out the …

Penerapan Metode AHP Untuk Penentuan Rangking Supplier Sparepart Terbaik

W Duriat, AO Sari - Jurnal Infortech, 2022 -
Dalam kelancaran produksi, pemeliharaan mesin dan pergantian sparepart mesin sangat
penting dilakukan secara berkala. Pemilihan supplier harus tepat dan perlu diperhatikan …

Brand Image Produk KITA: Upaya Meningkatkan Volume Penjualan di Perum Bulog

M Hamzah, F Rozi, FN Aisyah - Ekonomis: Journal of …, 2023 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan Brand Image Produk KITA: Upaya
Meningkatkan Penjualan di Perum Bulog. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Perum Bulog Kantor …

Pengembangan aplikasi penentuan media promosi pelaku UMKM berbasis website

E Subiyantoro, AR Muslikh, FY Pamuji… - Jurnal Teknologi dan …, 2023 -
Today, with the presence of digital technology, UMKM actors in Indonesia have numerous
opportunities to create job opportunities and expand their businesses to the global market …


BP Putra, DC Assyura, D Nugroho… - Jurnal Khatulistiwa …, 2024 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan proses penerapan aplikasi mobile dalam
memudahkan transaksi di UMKM Rumah Makan Murewoks yang saat ini belum …

E-Mudharabah Management Information System Design with Cost Benefit Analysis Approach

M Andarwati, G Swalaganata… - IQTISHODUNA …, 2024 -
The urgency of this research is to provide a solution to these challenges by introducing a
technology-based system called e-Mudharabah, leveraging a Decision Support System …

Memanfaatkan Whatsapps Business untuk Promosi dan Penjualan

A Handijono, RI Gunarto, E Sutrisna - Jurnal PKM Manajemen Bisnis, 2024 -
In the digital era, communication has become easier and faster thanks to existing
technological advances. Various digital platforms, such as social media, instant messaging …