Racial attitudes and criminal justice policy
Empirical research on public policy preferences must attend to Whites' animus toward
Blacks. For a quarter-century, studies have consistently found that Kinder and Sanders's four …
Blacks. For a quarter-century, studies have consistently found that Kinder and Sanders's four …
Racial resentment or sexism? White Americans' outgroup attitudes as predictors of gun ownership and NRA membership
A Filindra, NJ Kaplan, BE Buyuker - Sociological inquiry, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Gun ownership is a key predictor of gun policy preferences, political advocacy on behalf of
gun rights, and political engagement. Theories have linked both racial and gender …
gun rights, and political engagement. Theories have linked both racial and gender …
COVID-19, diffuse anxiety, and public (mis) trust in government: empirical insights and implications for crime and justice
Given that trust in government is a critical feature of a well-functioning democracy, research
into its determinants has long been a priority among public opinion scholars. The consensus …
into its determinants has long been a priority among public opinion scholars. The consensus …
Race politics research and the American presidency: thinking about white attitudes, identities and vote choice in the Trump era and beyond
Heeding the call of the special issue, we look at the past decade's advances in public
opinion studies of our understanding of the relationship between white racial identities …
opinion studies of our understanding of the relationship between white racial identities …
Public trust is earned: historical discrimination, carceral violence, and the COVID‐19 pandemic
Objective To assess whether knowledge of Tuskegee, the US Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE) agency's detainment of children, and satisfaction with the George Floyd …
Enforcement (ICE) agency's detainment of children, and satisfaction with the George Floyd …
Whites' racial resentment and perceived relative discrimination interactively predict participation
CJG Cepuran, J Berry - Political Behavior, 2022 - Springer
Scholarship in American politics finds whites' racial resentment and status threat predict their
vote choice. However, research in social identity indicates that such variables should …
vote choice. However, research in social identity indicates that such variables should …
Who Buys the “Big Lie”? White Racial Grievance and Confidence in the Fairness of American Elections
A Filindra, NJ Kaplan, A Manning - Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and …, 2024 - cambridge.org
Election skepticism has become a persistent feature of American politics since the Obama
era. Such beliefs are most prevalent among White Americans and especially Republicans …
era. Such beliefs are most prevalent among White Americans and especially Republicans …
Do Perceptions of Ingroup Discrimination Fuel White Mistrust in Government? Insights from the 2012–2020 ANES and a Framing Experiment
A Filindra, BE Buyuker, NJ Kaplan - Polity, 2023 - journals.uchicago.edu
Since the 1960s, political elites have used implicit and overt claims that the government
discriminates against whites to mobilize white voters. As a result, many white Americans …
discriminates against whites to mobilize white voters. As a result, many white Americans …
H Sulistiyo, A Martua, S Sayuti… - Jurnal Kebijakan …, 2023 - ejournal.ipdn.ac.id
Pemerintahan yang efektif saat ini merupakan salah satu pilar utama dalam menjaga
stabilitas dan kesejahteraan suatu negara. Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan …
stabilitas dan kesejahteraan suatu negara. Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan …
Race, Partisanship, and Democratic Politics: The Role of Racial Attitudes in Motivating White Americans' Electoral Participation
While there is considerable research on the role racial attitudes play in shaping white
political preferences, relatively little is known about how racial attitudes influence white …
political preferences, relatively little is known about how racial attitudes influence white …