Homophily and minority-group size explain perception biases in social networks
People's perceptions about the size of minority groups in social networks can be biased,
often showing systematic over-or underestimation. These social perception biases are often …
often showing systematic over-or underestimation. These social perception biases are often …
Accuracy of vote expectation surveys in forecasting elections
A Graefe - Public Opinion Quarterly, 2014 - academic.oup.com
Simple surveys that ask people who they expect to win are among the most accurate
methods for forecasting US presidential elections. The majority of respondents correctly …
methods for forecasting US presidential elections. The majority of respondents correctly …
“Wisdom of crowds”? A decentralised election forecasting model that uses citizens' local expectations
AE Murr - Electoral Studies, 2011 - Elsevier
Many studies report the “wonders of aggregation” and that groups (often) yield better
decisions than individuals. Can this “wisdom of crowds”-effect be used to forecast elections …
decisions than individuals. Can this “wisdom of crowds”-effect be used to forecast elections …
The wisdom of crowds: Applying Condorcet's jury theorem to forecasting US presidential elections
AE Murr - International Journal of Forecasting, 2015 - Elsevier
Increasingly, professional forecasters rely on citizen forecasts when predicting election
results. Following this approach, forecasters predict the winning party to be the one which …
results. Following this approach, forecasters predict the winning party to be the one which …
Social networks and citizen election forecasting: The more friends the better
Most citizens correctly forecast which party will win a given election, and such forecasts
usually have a higher level of accuracy than voter intention polls. How do citizens do it? We …
usually have a higher level of accuracy than voter intention polls. How do citizens do it? We …
Objective conditions, political knowledge, and perceptions of electoral competition in US mayoral elections
TM Holbrook, A Heideman… - Social Science …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Objective This article investigates the extent to which perceptions of the competitive context
of mayoral elections reflect actual levels of competition and how that relationship is shaped …
of mayoral elections reflect actual levels of competition and how that relationship is shaped …
Modeling undecided voters to forecast elections: From bandwagon behavior and the spiral of silence perspective
Forecasting election results has been a highly attractive activity among political and social
scientists. Different forecasting methods have been proposed, but those based on public …
scientists. Different forecasting methods have been proposed, but those based on public …
Political markets
A Graefe, K Arzheimer, J Evans… - The SAGE handbook of …, 2017 - torrossa.com
As long as there have been elections people have tried to predict their results and, over the
past three decades, researchers have made considerable progress in developing and …
past three decades, researchers have made considerable progress in developing and …
Winning on social media: Candidate social-mediated communication and voting during the 2016 US presidential election
T Macafee, B McLaughlin… - Social Media+ …, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
The 2016 US Presidential Election provided an opportunity to examine how political
candidates' use of social media can affect voting intentions. This study considers how …
candidates' use of social media can affect voting intentions. This study considers how …
With a little help from my friends? The impact of social networks on citizens' forecasting ability
P Mongrain - European Journal of Political Research, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Partisan preferences usually stand out as the major driving force behind voters' expectations
about election outcomes. Apart from partisan preferences, however, purely individual‐level …
about election outcomes. Apart from partisan preferences, however, purely individual‐level …